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Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations - Helpful Information

Things to know

You are likely to learn spreadsheet and database software in this program. It can be helpful to learn this software before you begin the program.

Many academic programs in this field include an internship so that you can get experience in a small business setting. Because small businesses often deal a lot with the public, you should try to gain experience working with people from many different backgrounds.

For this same reason, you should take courses in non-business subjects. A small business operates within a larger culture. You need to understand the world your business operates in.

You may hear about the master's in business administration (MBA) degree as the ticket to success in business. But this degree helps mainly in getting ahead in large businesses. It makes less sense if you want to run a small business.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.
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