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Podiatric Medicine - Helpful Information

Things to know

You need to be licensed before you can practice. Licensure is granted on a state-to-state basis, and requirements vary.

One common requirement for all states, however, is your successful completion of the National Board Exams. The exam consists of two parts, one taken after the second year of podiatry school and the other, near the end of the fourth year.

You also usually need at least one year of postgraduate training before a state will license you to practice. This is a continuation of your clinical clerkship, and likewise, you will train in a number of rotations such as surgery orthopedics or infectious diseases. The difference is that you will have more responsibilities as a D.P.M. and may stay in one setting for a longer period of time, allowing you more in-depth exposure and experience.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.
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