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Chemistry - Helpful Information

Things to know

Most chemistry programs require you to operate sophisticated lab instruments such as mass spectrometers. You also use computers to create models that simulate chemical processes.

You can obtain certification from the American Chemical Society in chemistry, biochemistry, or environmental chemistry.

Some understanding of other fields including business, economics, marketing, or other sciences is extremely helpful. Good oral and written communication skills are also important.

Only six colleges in the U.S. offer an accredited bachelor's degree program specifically in physical chemistry.

Only 16 colleges in the U.S. offer an accredited bachelor's degree program specifically in polymer chemistry.

Internships help you gain an appreciation of the many practical applications of chemistry.

The American Chemical Society has accredited three master's degree programs and two doctoral programs in chemistry physics. This may sound confusing but the accredited programs in this field go by the name Chemistry Physics. In addition, some schools call their programs Chemical Physics.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.
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