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Security Studies - Distance Learning

Distance Learning

Distance learning is growing very rapidly. For online classes or ones using other technologies such as video, audio or software delivery click on:

The Illinois Virtual Campus connects you to thousands of distance education courses plus online degree and certificate programs offered by Illinois colleges and universities. IVC offers a statewide system of Student Support Centers for technical assistance and computer access. There is a listing of IVC links to individual colleges and universities; for the nearest location, check:

The IVC is:

• A directory of distance courses plus degree and certificate programs offered by Illinois colleges and universities
• A link to participating Illinois colleges and universities
• A link to student support services for Illinois students

The IVC does NOT:

• Grant degrees or certificates
• Give financial aid
• Develop or offer courses
• Provide registration
• Collect payments


Is distance learning right for you? Take a quiz to find out at:

Learn about transferring credit between schools:

For a variety of sites that list distance education options, see

Is the school you're considering accredited? Check with the US Department of Education:

Signed up and ready to go? Read "10 Most Important Things You Can Do During Your First Week in an Online Class."

Also, from the CIS home page, click on Links Outside CIS and check the Distance Learning section for more information.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.
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