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Multilingual and Multicultural Education - Helpful Information

Things to know

If you want to teach bilingual education in a K-12 public school, you need to be licensed. In all states, getting licensed requires you to have at least a bachelor's degree as well as a certain amount of supervised practice-teaching experience. Some states require that you have a master's degree as well.

As part of their licensure processes, many states require you to take an exam such as the Praxis series. The Praxis II exam tests your knowledge of the particular subject you want to teach. The Praxis III exam tests your knowledge of general education theories and teaching methodologies. Passing these tests helps show your competency to teach.

You often combine multilingual and multicultural education course work with course work in another education specialty such as secondary education. This allows you to teach multilingual courses in particular subjects or to a particular school-age group.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.
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