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Education of the Gifted - Helpful Information

Things to know

You need to be licensed to teach in public schools. All states require you to have at least a bachelor's degree and a certain amount of supervised practice teaching experience. Some states also require that you have a master's degree.

Part of the licensure requirements of many states includes one or more tests such as the Praxis exams. Passing these exams helps show your competency to teach.

State requirements for gifted education teachers vary. Some states require you to pass a certification process.

Because some states don't have official certification processes, you should develop a teaching portfolio. This showcases to potential employers your teaching vision, achievements, and competency. As a student, you can start compiling samples of syllabi and student work that you've graded, as well as other materials that reflect your growth and development as a teacher. You should also include a statement of your teaching philosophy and career objectives.

If you plan on teaching courses that a student could eventually apply to a four-year degree program, you usually need to have at least a master's degree in that field as well.

Gifted children are often called "gifted and talented" or "talented and gifted (TAG)."

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.
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