International studies focuses on global issues from a variety of viewpoints, especially the social sciences. Students evaluate global problems of different countries and regions. They study customs, law, and diplomacy. Students may also learn a second language.
The lines between "foreign" and "domestic" are increasingly blurred these days. You can find a Toys 'R' Us in the Netherlands, while your Japanese import car may have been made in America. Business is definitely a global affair.
However, as a student in international studies, you don't just focus on the global economy. (In some programs, international business is a separate program altogether.) You look at the political and social ties between countries. Often, students look at global issues, such as political turmoil in the Middle East or getting aid to victims of natural disasters in Asia. This requires knowledge not only of politics, but customs, geography, and language. It follows, then, that international studies is an interdisciplinary major.
Course work in this program is varied and offers students options regarding the countries or regions they are interested in. For example, you may wish to focus on the European Union, while another student would prefer to examine African nations. You also can choose how you wish to focus your studies. Do you wish to look through a sociological or anthropological lens, and study culture and customs? Or do you wish to focus on political and economic issues, and take a variety of courses in these areas? Do you want to focus on humanitarian efforts, and take courses in social work? The choice is often up to you. You might even look at art from an international lens. In addition, most programs require you to learn at least one new language.
Many schools offer a bachelor's degree in international studies. Other schools offer concentrations in international studies that you combine with another area of study. Often students double major in international studies and another field, such as sociology, business, or political science. Typically you finish your bachelor's degree in four years.
Several schools offer graduate programs in international studies. Graduate degrees take from two to five years after you finish your bachelor's degree. Most people with a graduate degree in international studies become professors or policy analysts.