View map for American Academy of Art College | Note |
Main telephone | 312-461-0600 |
Feature | Note |
Public or private | Private |
Type of school | 4-year college |
Date founded | 1923 |
Degrees offered | Bachelor's |
School accreditation | North Central Association of Colleges and Schools |
Setting | Urban (in a large city) |
Closest major metropolitan area | Chicago |
County | Cook |
Feature | Note |
Number of full time, freshmen men | 7 |
Number of full time, freshmen women | 12 |
Total number of full time freshmen | 19 |
Number of part time, freshmen men | 4 |
Number of part time, freshmen women | 2 |
Total number of part time freshmen | 6 |
Total number of freshmen men | 11 |
Total number of freshmen women | 14 |
Total number of freshmen | 25 |
Number of full time, undergraduate men | 36 |
Number of full time, undergraduate women | 76 |
Total number of full time undergraduates | 112 |
Number of part time, undergraduate men | 10 |
Number of part time, undergraduate women | 23 |
Total number of part time undergraduates | 33 |
Total number of undergraduate males | 46 |
Total number of undergraduate females | 99 |
Total number of undergraduate students | 145 |
Total enrollment | 145 |
American Indian/Alaskan Native | Less than 1% |
Asian | 3% |
Black | 11% |
Hispanic | 36% |
White | 44% |
Race/ethnicity unknown | Less than 1% |
These figures reflect responses of people who chose to indicate their racial-ethnic background. All categories except Hispanic represent non-Hispanic students. International students are not included in these figures so they may not add up to 100 percent. | |
Percentage of students from out of state | 16% |
Number of states and territories represented | 8 |
Percentage of students 25 or older | 12% |
Feature | Note |
Tuition year | 2023-2024 |
In-state tuition | $38,640 |
Out-of-state tuition | $38,640 |
Fees | $470 |
Books and supplies | $1,000 |
Undergraduate costs are for ... | (Costs are for the 2023-2024 academic year.) |
Feature | Note |
Financial aid contact person | Ione Fitzgerald |
Financial aid contact title | Director of Financial Aid |
Financial aid phone | 312-461-0600 |
Financial aid office website | Find more information on this website |
Submit these forms | FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), school's financial aid form |
Need-based scholarships and grants | |
Federal Pell Grants | Yes |
Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) | Yes |
Student employment | |
Work study | Yes |
Feature | Note |
Admissions contact person | Stuart Rosenbloom |
Admissions contact title | Director of Admissions |
Admissions contact e-mail | |
Admissions phone (local) | 888-461-0600 |
Electronic application website | Find more information on this website |
For incoming students | Moderately difficult (about 85% of all applicants accepted) |
Number of male applicants who enrolled | 11 |
Number of female applicants who enrolled | 14 |
Total number of applicants who enrolled | 25 |
High school education | High school diploma required and GED accepted. |
Fall* application deadline | Continuous |
Fall transfer application deadline | Continuous |
* Application dates for winter, spring, or summer term admission are likely to be different. | |
Online application available | Find more information on this website |
Application fee | $25 |
Age limit on courses to be transferred | No limit |
Percentage of freshmen who returned for their sophomore year | 70% |
Feature | Note |
Bachelor's | Yes |
Academic calendar | Semesters |
Number of faculty on campus | 1 |
Required number of credits for a bachelor's degree | 122 semester hours |
All students must meet: | |
Core curriculum or school-wide requirements | Yes |
Math or science requirement | Yes |
Senior project requirement | For all students |
Part time | Yes |
Summer school | Yes |
Accelerated degree | Yes |
Study abroad available | Yes |
External degree program (earn credits through options that require little or no classroom attendance) | Yes |
Independent study | Yes |
Internships | Yes |
Main library name | Irving Shapiro Library |
Feature | Note |
School owns or operates housing | Yes |
Highest year that students are required to live on campus | Not required |
Feature | Note |
Remedial education courses | Yes |
Orientation | Yes |
24-hour emergency phone and alarms on campus | Yes |
Feature | Note |
Career counseling | Yes |
Job bank | Yes |
Job interviews | Yes |
On campus recruitment by employers | Yes |
Placement assistance | Yes |
Résumé preparation assistance | Yes |
Résumé referral to employers | Yes |
Feature | Note |
Total enrollment | 145 |