American Academy of Art College

332 South Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60604

View map for American Academy of Art College
Feature Note
Main telephone 312-461-0600
Feature Note
Public or private Private
Type of school 4-year college
Date founded 1923
Degrees offered Bachelor's
School accreditation North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
Setting Urban (in a large city)
Closest major metropolitan area Chicago
County Cook
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Number of full time, freshmen men 7
Number of full time, freshmen women 12
Total number of full time freshmen 19
Number of part time, freshmen men 4
Number of part time, freshmen women 2
Total number of part time freshmen 6
Total number of freshmen men 11
Total number of freshmen women 14
Total number of freshmen 25
Number of full time, undergraduate men 36
Number of full time, undergraduate women 76
Total number of full time undergraduates 112
Number of part time, undergraduate men 10
Number of part time, undergraduate women 23
Total number of part time undergraduates 33
Total number of undergraduate males 46
Total number of undergraduate females 99
Total number of undergraduate students 145
Total enrollment 145
American Indian/Alaskan Native Less than 1%
Asian 3%
Black 11%
Hispanic 36%
White 44%
Race/ethnicity unknown Less than 1%
These figures reflect responses of people who chose to indicate their racial-ethnic background. All categories except Hispanic represent non-Hispanic students. International students are not included in these figures so they may not add up to 100 percent.
Percentage of students from out of state 16%
Number of states and territories represented 8
Percentage of students 25 or older 12%
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Tuition year 2023-2024
In-state tuition $38,640
Out-of-state tuition $38,640
Fees $470
Books and supplies $1,000
Undergraduate costs are for ... (Costs are for the 2023-2024 academic year.)
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Financial aid contact person Ione Fitzgerald
Financial aid contact title Director of Financial Aid
Financial aid phone 312-461-0600
Financial aid office website Find more information on this website
Submit these forms FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), school's financial aid form
Need-based scholarships and grants
Federal Pell Grants Yes
Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) Yes
Student employment
Work study Yes
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Admissions contact person Stuart Rosenbloom
Admissions contact title Director of Admissions
Admissions contact e-mail Email
Admissions phone (local) 888-461-0600
Electronic application website Find more information on this website
For incoming students Moderately difficult (about 85% of all applicants accepted)
Number of male applicants who enrolled 11
Number of female applicants who enrolled 14
Total number of applicants who enrolled 25
High school education High school diploma required and GED accepted.
Fall* application deadline Continuous
Fall transfer application deadline Continuous
* Application dates for winter, spring, or summer term admission are likely to be different.
Online application available Find more information on this website
Application fee $25
Age limit on courses to be transferred No limit
Percentage of freshmen who returned for their sophomore year 70%
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Bachelor's Yes
Academic calendar Semesters
Number of faculty on campus 1
Required number of credits for a bachelor's degree 122 semester hours
All students must meet:
Core curriculum or school-wide requirements Yes
Math or science requirement Yes
Senior project requirement For all students
Part time Yes
Summer school Yes
Accelerated degree Yes
Study abroad available Yes
External degree program (earn credits through options that require little or no classroom attendance) Yes
Independent study Yes
Internships Yes
Main library name Irving Shapiro Library
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School owns or operates housing Yes
Highest year that students are required to live on campus Not required
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Remedial education courses Yes
Orientation Yes
24-hour emergency phone and alarms on campus Yes
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Career counseling Yes
Job bank Yes
Job interviews Yes
On campus recruitment by employers Yes
Placement assistance Yes
Résumé preparation assistance Yes
Résumé referral to employers Yes
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Total enrollment 145
Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security. If you have questions or concerns about the information displaying please contact Illinois Career Information System.