University of Illinois Chicago

1200 West Harrison Street
Chicago, IL 60607

View map for University of Illinois Chicago
Feature Note
Main telephone 312-996-4350
Feature Note
Educational system University of Illinois System
Public or private Public
Type of school University
Date founded 1965
Degrees offered Bachelor's, Master's, First professional, Doctorate, Other advanced degrees
School accreditation North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
Setting Urban (in a large city)
Closest major metropolitan area Chicago
Campus size 244 acres
Feature Note
Number of full time, freshmen men 2,129
Number of full time, freshmen women 2,436
Total number of full time freshmen 4,565
Number of part time, freshmen men 37
Number of part time, freshmen women 45
Total number of part time freshmen 82
Total number of freshmen men 2,166
Total number of freshmen women 2,481
Total number of freshmen 4,647
Number of full time, undergraduate men 9,375
Number of full time, undergraduate women 10,586
Total number of full time undergraduates 19,961
Number of part time, undergraduate men 967
Number of part time, undergraduate women 1,179
Total number of part time undergraduates 2,146
Total number of undergraduate males 10,342
Total number of undergraduate females 11,765
Total number of undergraduate students 22,107
Number of male graduate students 4,617
Number of female graduate students 6,806
Total number of graduate students 11,423
Total number of male undergraduate and graduate students 14,959
Total number of female undergraduate and graduate students 18,571
Total enrollment 33,530
American Indian/Alaskan Native Less than 1%
Asian 20%
Black 7%
Hispanic 36%
White 22%
Race/ethnicity unknown 1%
These figures reflect responses of people who chose to indicate their racial-ethnic background. All categories except Hispanic represent non-Hispanic students. International students are not included in these figures so they may not add up to 100 percent.
Percentage of students from out of state 4%
Percentage of students from outside the US 7%
Percentage of students 25 or older 3%
Feature Note
Tuition year 2024-2025
In-state tuition $11,178
Out-of-state tuition $26,724
Fees $3,160
Books and supplies $1,400
Room and board (live on campus)* $14,600
* Room and board costs may vary by housing facility and number of meals in meal plan
Undergraduate costs are for ... (Costs are for the 2024-2025 academic year.)
Feature Note
Financial aid contact person Deidre Rush
Financial aid contact title Director of Fiscal Operations
Financial aid contact e-mail Email
Financial aid phone 312-996-5563
Financial aid office website Find more information on this website
Scholarship list website Find more information on this website
Submit these forms FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
Application deadline (for fall term) February 15
School year financial aid data is from 2023-2024
Average financial aid package awarded to freshmen $18,700
For freshmen, percentage of need* met by aid package 53%
Average amount of financial aid awarded to freshmen
Loan $3,390
Scholarship or grant $17,169
Average financial aid package awarded to undergraduates (including freshmen) $18,611
For all undergraduates, percentage of need* met by aid package 54%
Average amount of financial aid awarded to undergraduates
Loan $4,472
Scholarship or grant $16,272
Work study $3,000
* "Need" as defined for financial aid results from a formula based on a student's situation. The formula considers family and student income, family size, unusual expenses, and the school's costs.
Number of freshmen who applied for aid 3,670
Number of freshmen who received aid 3,056
Number of undergraduates who applied for aid 15,749
Number of undergraduates who received aid 13,633
Percentage of students who took out loans to pay for school 43%
Average student loan debt for last graduating class $21,381
Federal PLUS loans (for parents) Yes
Federal Direct Stafford loans (subsidized) Yes
Federal Direct Stafford loans (unsubsidized) Yes
Institution loans (from the school) Yes
Nursing loans Yes
Need-based scholarships and grants
Federal Pell Grants Yes
Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) Yes
Privately-sponsored scholarships and grants Yes
State-sponsored scholarships and grants Yes
United Negro College Fund Yes
Merit-based scholarships and grants
School-sponsored scholarships in academics Yes
School-sponsored scholarships in art Yes
Student employment
Work study Yes
Non-proprietary financial aid data are from ... (Financial aid data are for the 2023-2024 academic year.)
Feature Note
Admissions contact person Maureen Woods
Admissions contact title Executive Director of Strategic Recruitment and Outreach
Admissions contact e-mail Email
Admissions phone (local) 312-996-4350
Electronic application website Find more information on this website
For incoming students Moderately difficult (about 85% of all applicants accepted)
Groups or programs with a different entrance difficulty level Honors program, Guaranteed Professional Program
Entrance difficulty level for these groups Very difficult (about 60% of all applicants accepted)
Number of male applicants 10,989
Number of male applicants accepted 8,116
Number of male applicants who enrolled 2,166
Number of female applicants 14,431
Number of female applicants accepted 11,839
Number of female applicants who enrolled 2,481
Total number of applicants 25,420
Total number of applicants accepted 19,955
Total number of applicants who enrolled 4,647
High school education High school diploma required and GED accepted.
Fall* application deadline February 15
Notification date for fall admission applicants Continuous
Early action (apply early, but not required to attend if accepted) application deadline November 1
Notification date for early action applicants December 1
Fall transfer application deadline Continuous
Notification date for fall transfer applicants Continuous
* Application dates for winter, spring, or summer term admission are likely to be different.
Online application available Find more information on this website
Application fee $60
Submit these items:
High school transcript or GED certificate Required for all students
Written essay or personal statement Required for all students
Other application materials Audition for music and theater majors, portfolio for art majors
Other application materials Required for some students
High school GPA Very important
Difficulty of high school courses Very important
Standardized test scores Considered
High school class rank Very important
Recommendations Considered
Application essay Important
Character/personal qualities Not considered
Interview Not considered
Talent or ability Considered
Extracurricular activities Considered
Level of applicant's interest Not considered
Religious affiliation/commitment Not considered
Work experience Not considered
Related to a school graduate Not considered
First generation college student Not considered
College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) general Yes
College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) subject Yes
Age limit on courses to be transferred No limit
SAT evidence-based reading and writing
400 - 499 5%
500 - 599 34%
600 - 699 46%
700 - 800 15%
SAT math
400 - 499 4%
500 - 599 37%
600 - 699 39%
700 - 800 19%
ACT score
12 - 17 1%
18 - 23 12%
24 - 29 48%
30 - 36 40%
Average GPA (on 4.0 scale) 3.5
Percentage in top 50% of their high school class 87%
Percentage in top 25% 54%
Percentage in top 10% 24%
Percentage of freshmen who returned for their sophomore year 78%
Percentage of full-time students who complete their bachelor's degree:
In four years or less 39%
Between four and five years 16%
Between five and six years 4%
Feature Note
Bachelor's Yes
Master's Yes
First professional Yes
Doctorate Yes
Other advanced degrees Yes
Academic calendar Semesters
Number of faculty on campus 1,922
Student faculty ratio 18:1
Required number of credits for a bachelor's degree 120 semester hours
All students must meet:
Core curriculum or school-wide requirements Yes
Foreign language requirement Yes
Math or science requirement Yes
Senior project requirement Depends on major
Evenings Yes
On-line/distance learning Yes
Part time Yes
Summer school Yes
Accelerated degree Yes
Double major Yes
Freshman honors college Yes
Graduate courses open to undergraduates Yes
Honors program Yes
Student-designed major Yes
Domestic exchange available Yes
Study abroad available Yes
Army ROTC Yes
Air Force ROTC Yes
Naval ROTC Yes
Advanced Placement Yes
External degree program (earn credits through options that require little or no classroom attendance) Yes
Independent study Yes
International Baccalaureate Yes
Internships Yes
Computer lab available to students Yes
Computer network can be accessed from dorm rooms Yes
Computer network can be accessed from off campus Yes
Discount computer purchase plan available Yes
Online registration for classes Yes
Main library name Richard J. Daley Library
Feature Note
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Yes
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Choral groups Yes
Drama or theater groups Yes
Newspaper Yes
Radio station Yes
TV station Yes
National or local fraternities Yes
National or local sororities Yes
Number of student clubs and associations with open membership 460
Largest clubs and organizations on campus Society for Neuroscience, Psychology, and Psychiatry, Students for Justice in Palestine, Active Minds at UIC, Muslim Student Association, Filipinos in Alliance
Feature Note
Percentage of students who live on campus 15%
School owns or operates housing Yes
Highest year that students are required to live on campus Not required
Housing availability for first year students No special consideration
Housing options Co-ed
Cooperative housing (share room and board expenses; must participate in household chores to reduce living expenses) available Yes
Housing is available for students with disabilities Yes
Dorms require a key or code to enter Yes
School owns or operates housing for Single graduate students
Housing availability for single graduate students First come, first served
Feature Note
English as a Second Language (ESL) program Yes
Remedial education courses Yes
Health clinic Yes
Legal services Yes
Low-cost health insurance Yes
Psychological counseling Yes
Orientation Yes
Housing Yes
Services for students with learning disabilities Yes
Child daycare available on campus Yes
Women's center Yes
24-hour emergency phone and alarms on campus Yes
Campus patrolled by trained security personnel Yes
Late night transport service Yes
Feature Note
Alumni networking and mentoring Yes
Career counseling Yes
Career interest testing Yes
Career library Yes
Job bank Yes
Job fairs Yes
Job interviews Yes
Job interview preparation Yes
On campus recruitment by employers Yes
Placement assistance Yes
Résumé preparation assistance Yes
Résumé referral to employers Yes
Feature Note
Grad admissions contact person Jamie Haney
Grad admissions contact title Assistant Dean for Academic and Student Services
Grad admissions contact e-mail address Email
Grad admissions contact phone (local) 312-996-4350
Number of full time, male graduate students 3,410
Number of full time, female graduate students 4,870
Total number of full time graduate students 8,280
Number of part time, male graduate students 1,207
Number of part time, female graduate students 1,936
Total number of part time graduate students 3,143
Total number of male graduate students 4,617
Total number of female graduate students 6,806
Total number of graduate students 11,423
Number of undergraduate men 10,342
Number of undergraduate women 11,765
Total number of undergraduate students 22,107
Total number of male undergraduate and graduate students 14,959
Total number of female undergraduate and graduate students 18,571
Total enrollment 33,530
Tuition year 2022-2023
In-state tuition* $11,870
Out-of-state tuition* $24,738
Fees $3,622
* Tuition may vary by program
Graduate costs are for ... (Costs are for the 2022-2023 academic year.)
Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security. If you have questions or concerns about the information displaying please contact Illinois Career Information System.