View map for Regency Dental Institute, LLC | Note |
Public or private | Private |
School accreditation | Approved by Illinois Board of Higher Education |
Setting | Suburban (within commuting distance of a large city) |
Closest major metropolitan area | Chicago |
Population of city the school is in | 75,994 |
County | Cook |
Feature | Note |
Costs (for proprietary schools) |
Dental Assisting Program: $4,250 (includes, books, supplies, uniform and non-refundable registration fee of $250) |
Tuition refund policy | REFUND POLICY- Student registration fees are not refundable. Full tuition is refundable prior to 1 week before scheduled first class start date. Eighty percent of tuition is refundable if cancellation is given in less than seven days of the first class start date. No money will be refunded after first start date. |
Other tuition payment plan information | Tuition is due before orientation date and payment arrangements must be made 24 hours before the 1st class day. |