View map for Siebel Institute of Technology | Note |
Main telephone | 312.255.0705 |
Contact person name | John Hannafan |
Contact person title | Managing Director and Director or Education |
Contact person e-mail | |
Contact person phone | 312.255.0705 |
Feature | Note |
Public or private | Private |
Type of school | Brewing, distilling, sensory analysis |
Date founded | 1872 |
School accreditation | Approved by Illinois Board of Higher Education |
Setting | Urban (in a large city) |
Population of city the school is in | 2,720,000 |
Distance from campus to city center | 2 miles |
Public transportation to campus | CTA (Halsted bus and Blue Line subway) |
Student parking on campus | No |
Campus size | 7,000 sq ft |
County | Cook |
School visit availability | Appointment only if anyone is available and when no classes in session as a limited number of staff |
Contact to set up school visit |
John Hannafan 312 255 0705 x108 |
Feature | Note |
Other enrollment information | We do not run full-time courses or programs. |
Asian | 1% |
Black | 2% |
Hispanic | 1% |
White | 96% |
These figures reflect responses of people who chose to indicate their racial-ethnic background. All categories except Hispanic represent non-Hispanic students. International students are not included in these figures so they may not add up to 100 percent. | |
Other racial-ethnic background information | Samoan |
Number of states and territories represented | 60 |
Other out-of-state student information | We attract students from Asia, S. America and Europe, but mainly N. America. |
Number of countries represented | 10 |
Other age of student information | Average age of students: 28-50 |
Percentage of students 25 or older | 95% |
Feature | Note |
Costs (for proprietary schools) | Varies. See school academic catalog for all classes and tuition costs |
Academic program/major | Yes |
Tuition refund policy |
A student may withdraw from a course, module or program at any time, and partial tuition refunds, if any, will be given based on the number of calendar days that have elapsed since the first day of such course, module or program as set forth on the schedule below. Refund Schedule (Campus Courses) Number of calendar days*: Refund Certificate Programs 1: 90% 2-5: 50% 6-8: 25% 9+: 0% Module and any 2-week Course 1: 90% 2: 50% 3: 25% 4+: 0% Short Course (5 days or less) 1: 50% 2+: 0% Refund Schedule (Online Courses) Based on Percentage completed*: Refund up to 10%: 90% 11-20%: 70% 21-30%: 50% 31%+: 0% |
Pre-payment plan (if you pay your entire tuition when you enroll, you don't have to pay higher prices if tuition increases) | Yes |
Feature | Note |
Scholarship list website | Find more information on this website |
Average student loan debt for last graduating class | $40,000 |
Loans | |
Other loan program information | We do not qualify to receive student loans nor state grants no VA benefits. |
Need-based scholarships and grants | |
Privately-sponsored scholarships and grants | Yes |
Feature | Note |
Admissions contact person | Lupe Zepeda |
Admissions contact title | Registrar |
Admissions contact e-mail | |
Admissions phone (local) | 312.255.0705 x118 |
Electronic application website | Find more information on this website |
For incoming students | Minimally difficult (about 95% of applicants accepted) |
Open admissions policy applies to | All entry or basic level courses. |
Groups or programs with a different entrance difficulty level |
WBA Master Brewer Program WBA International Diploma in Brewing Technology Program WBA Advanced Brewing Theory Program Brewing Microbiology course |
Other information about entrance difficulty | Students interested in enrolling in an advanced-level course or program must have either completed successfully our Concise Course in Brewing Technology, an intermediate-level course, or have passed our online assessment with a 70% average score. The assessment consists of 50 questions (True and False/Multiple choice) covering all brewing subjects (raw ingredients to beer production to packaging). This assessment is timed to 15 minutes. If a person does not pass the assessment, they may reattempt in 30-days or enroll in the Concise Course in Brewing Technology to improve their knowledge. |
Required high school courses |
Biology Food Science |
Other education requirements for admission | Students should have an understanding of brewing knowledge and proficiency in the English-language, especially those in advanced-level courses or programs. |
Admission is available | We do not run on terms |
Application deadline | Applications must be received and tuition paid before a student comes to first day of any class |
Online application available | |
Application fee | Varies by course/program |
Submit these items: | |
Application | Required for all students |
High school GPA (minimum) | Not required. |
Other application materials | Required for all students |
Other application requirements information | Proof of legal drinking age |
Average GPA (on 4.0 scale) | We do not gather that information nor ask it |
Feature | Note |
Certificate or diploma | Yes |
School catalog website | Find more information on this website |
To get a catalog | Course academic catalog is offered online as a PDF on our website. |
Academic calendar | NA |
Grading system | Letter Grades |
Number of faculty on campus | 3 Full Time, many industry contractors who also instruct |
Student faculty ratio | We do not have full time students |
Average class size | |
Lecture | 24 |
Discussion | 24 |
On-line/distance learning | Yes |
Short-term courses | Yes |
Online registration for classes | Yes |
Feature | Note |
Housing contact person | We have none |
Feature | Note |
Academic advising | Yes |
Barrier-free campus | Yes |
Registration assistance | Yes |
Feature | Note |
Career contact person | John Hannafan |
Career contact title | General Manager and Director of Education |
Career contact e-mail address | |
Career contact phone | 312.255.0705 x108 |
Had a full-time job offer within six months of graduation | 50% |
Was counseled by the career services office | 6% |
Alumni networking and mentoring | Yes |
Career counseling | Yes |
Job bank | Yes |
Job interview preparation | Yes |
On campus recruitment by employers | Yes |
Résumé preparation assistance | Yes |