Chicago Center for Arts and Technology

1701 West 13th Street
Chicago, IL 60608

View map for Chicago Center for Arts and Technology
Feature Note
Main telephone 312.733.1701
Request more information Email
Contact person name Kimberly Dismuke
Contact person title Email
Contact person phone 312.733.1701
Feature Note
Type of school Medical Billing and Coding
Food Lab Quality Control
Advanced Maintenance Mechanics
Date founded 2013
School accreditation Illinois Board of higher Education
Specialized licensure AAPC - American Academy of Professional coders
AHIMA - American Health Information Management Association
MSSC - Manufacturing Skills Standard Council
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act eligible training provider Medical Billing and Coding
Food Lab Quality Control
Advanced Maintenance Mechanics
Setting Urban (in a large city)
Closest major metropolitan area Medical District
Population of city the school is in 100% diverse
Public transportation to campus Public transportation is available
Student parking on campus Available in surrounding area
Campus size 100,000 square feet
Visitor information website Email
School visit availability Upon request and appointment, Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm.
Contact to set up school visit
Attn: Vickie Lewis
Feature Note
Total number of full time students 98
Total number of students 98
Percentage of students from out of state 0%
Number of states and territories represented 0
Other out-of-state student information 0
Other age of student information 35-70 years of age
Percentage of students 25 or older 1%
Feature Note
Costs (for proprietary schools) No Cost to students
Tuition refund policy N/A
Other tuition waiver information N/A
Feature Note
Financial aid contact person Vickie Lewis
Financial aid contact title Adult Education Manager
Financial aid contact e-mail Email
Financial aid phone 312.733.1701
Percentage of students who took out loans to pay for school 0%
Average student loan debt for last graduating class $0
Feature Note
Admissions contact person Shekeita Webb
Admissions contact title Senior Director of Education Excellence
Admissions contact e-mail Email
Admissions phone (local) 312.733.1701
For incoming students Minimally difficult (about 95% of applicants accepted)
Open admissions policy applies to Health Information Technology (Medical Billing and Coding
Advanced Maintenance Mechanics
Food Lab Quality Control
Groups or programs with a different entrance difficulty level Students with no high school diploma or GED
Entrance difficulty level for these groups Minimally difficult (about 95% of applicants accepted)
Groups receiving preferential admission (first or special consideration) Students with no high school diploma or GED
Other information about entrance difficulty ADA approved
Number of male applicants 50
Number of male applicants accepted 12
Number of male applicants who enrolled 12
Number of female applicants 62
Number of female applicants accepted 16
Number of female applicants who enrolled 16
Total number of applicants 112
Total number of applicants accepted 28
Total number of applicants who enrolled 28
High school education High school diploma required and GED accepted.
Required high school courses N/A
Postsecondary education N/A
Other education requirements for admission TABE test is required and administered by the organization
Admission is available At the start of the cohort in March
Application deadline 2 weeks after the course starts
Other information about applying In-person orientations, In-person interviews
Application fee N/A
Submit these items:
Application Required for all students
College transcript Required for all students
High school transcript or GED certificate Required for all students
Interview Required for all students
Other application materials Required for all students
Other application requirements information Resume
High School Transcriprt
Required exams TABE
Average GPA (on 4.0 scale) 3.0
Feature Note
Pre-certification training Yes
Academic calendar Cohorts
Grading system 4.0
Number of faculty on campus 4
Student faculty ratio 1 in 12 and 1 in 16
Average class size
Lecture 16
Laboratory 12
Discussion 12-16
On-line/distance learning Yes
Computers on campus for student use Yes
Computer lab available to students Yes
Online registration for classes Yes
Conference/Workshop Yes
Feature Note
Reading and study skills courses Yes
Tutoring Yes
Basic job skills Yes
Orientation Yes
Placement testing Yes
Student lounge Yes
Accessibility contact person Vickie Lenoir
Accessibility contact title Adult Education Manager
Accessibility contact e-mail Email
Accessibility contact phone 312.733.1701
Barrier-free campus Yes
Designated parking Yes
Registration assistance Yes
Tutors Yes
Low-income students Yes
Minorities Yes
Veterans Yes
24-hour emergency phone and alarms on campus Yes
Campus patrolled by trained security personnel Yes
Feature Note
Career contact person Corey brown
Career contact title Pathways development Manager
Career contact e-mail address Email
Career contact phone 312.733.1701
Had a full-time job offer within six months of graduation 70%
Was counseled by the career services office 100%
Alumni networking and mentoring Yes
Career counseling Yes
Job bank Yes
Job fairs Yes
Job interviews Yes
Job interview preparation Yes
On campus recruitment by employers Yes
Placement assistance Yes
Résumé preparation assistance Yes
Résumé referral to employers Yes
Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security. If you have questions or concerns about the information displaying please contact Illinois Career Information System.