Brokerage Clerks

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Brokerage Clerks

Brokerage Clerks - Wages & Trends

Pay varies by the area of the country and the size of the city that the job is in. Securities firms in larger cities usually have more customers and make more money. This allows them to pay more than employers in smaller towns. Pay also varies by brokerage clerks' level of education. Those with a bachelor's degree start at higher salaries than those with a high school diploma or equivalent. The level of technical skills needed for the job also increases the amount they are paid.

Brokerage clerks who work full time usually receive benefits. These benefits may include health, dental, and retirement plans. They may also receive paid vacation and sick leave.

Brokerage clerks (SOC 43-4011)
Pay Period
Illinois Hourly $24.82 $29.17 $35.09
Yearly $51,635 $60,674 $72,988
    Cook County Hourly $24.97 $29.19 $36.46
Yearly $51,924 $60,720 $75,837
    Peoria-Bloomington Area Hourly $22.96 $28.26 $37.44
Yearly $47,765 $58,788 $77,892
    Springfield Area Hourly $23.19 $26.84 $33.83
Yearly $48,234 $55,822 $70,367
United States Hourly $24.44 $28.92 $34.65
Yearly $50,830 $60,150 $72,080

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.