In a typical work setting, interior designers:
Interpersonal Relationships
- Have a medium level of social contact. They work closely with clients and may supervise assistants.
- Communicate by telephone, e-mail, and in person on a daily basis. They write letters and memos, but less frequently.
- May on occasion deal with unpleasant or angry people. Clients and vendors may disagree on results or scheduling changes.
- Are responsible for work outcomes and the results of vendors and contractors.
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- Often work as part of a group or design team.
Physical Work Conditions
- Nearly always work indoors. May on occasion work outdoors.
- May share the same office or work space with other workers.
Work Performance
- Must be very exact in their work. Errors could cost clients money.
- Regularly make decisions that strongly impact their company's reputation and finances.
- Make decision that affect clients and vendors on a daily basis. They rarely consult a supervisor before deciding a course of action.
- Set most of their daily tasks and priorities without consulting another.
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- Work in a moderately competitive environment. They abide by strict weekly deadlines.
- Most work full time. Some do freelance work part time as a second job.
- May adjust their workday to meet clients' schedules. They sometimes meet clients on evenings or weekends.
- Generally work under deadlines and may work overtime to finish a job. Otherwise, they typically work a set schedule.