
Human Services > Manicurists > Preparation
Occupation is in demand.

Manicurists - Preparation

To work as a manicurist, you typically need to:

  • have a high school diploma or equivalent;
  • complete the manicure courses in a cosmetology program; and
  • have a license.

Education after high school

Most manicurists complete a formal training program. Professional-technical schools and two-year colleges offer cosmetology programs. These programs include classroom and hands-on training. During training you learn to shape and polish nails. You also learn how to sterilize equipment and recognize skin problems.

It takes three months to complete a manicure program.

On-the-job training

At first you practice on other students in your training program. Later, you work with customers in a salon that offers discounted services for work done by trainees. You may receive additional training at your first job.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.