Fast Food Service Managers

Manufacturing > Fast Food Service Managers > Working Conditions
Fast Food Service Managers

Fast Food Service Managers - Working Conditions

In a typical work setting, restaurant managers:

Interpersonal Relationships

  • Are responsible for the work of servers and food preparers.
  • Have a high level of social contact. They work closely with staff and deal often with restaurant patrons.
  • Are responsible for the health and safety of restaurant patrons and staff.
  • Often deal with unpleasant, angry, or discourteous customers.
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  • Are often placed in conflict situations.
  • Communicate with coworkers and customers daily by telephone or in person.
  • Work with a group or as part of a team.

Physical Work Conditions

  • Often work indoors, but may work outdoors on rare occasions.
  • Are often exposed to very hot or very cold temperatures.
  • Often wear protective or safety attire, such as gloves.
  • Are exposed to hazardous situations and contaminants on a weekly basis.
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  • Sometimes are exposed to sounds and noise levels that are distracting and uncomfortable, such as a noisy restaurant.
  • Work very near customers and coworkers. They often work within inches of other people.

Work Performance

  • Must be sure their work is accurate. Errors could endanger customers' health or cost the restaurant money.
  • Repeat the same tasks over and over, such as taking inventory of supplies.
  • Make decisions on a daily basis that strongly impact customers. They rarely consult with a supervisor before making a decision.
  • Rarely consult with a supervisor before setting tasks for the day.
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  • Are moderately competitive with other restaurants.
  • Must meet strict deadlines on a weekly basis.


  • Generally have a set schedule each week.
  • Often work 50 hours or more per week.
  • Often work nights and weekends, when restaurants are busiest.
Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.