In most states, taxi and limousine drivers need both a regular automobile driver's license and a chauffeur or taxi driver's license. Limousine drivers who transport 16 or more passengers are required to get a commercial driver's license (CDL) with a passenger (P) endorsement. Other requirements vary by state.
In some cities, drivers who work for taxi or limo companies can get temporary permits before they take the test. Many cities test applicants for their ability to speak and understand English. Those who do not pass the English exam must take a course. Many cities also require that applicants pass a physical exam and have their fingerprints checked for a criminal record.
For information about licensing in Illinois, contact your local office of the Illinois Secretary of State's Driver Services Division or:
Illinois Secretary of State
Drivers Services Division
2701 South Dirksen Parkway, Springfield, IL 62723
Phone: 217.782.6212