
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources > Bakers > Preparation

Bakers - Preparation

To work as a baker, you typically need to:

  • complete moderate-term, on-the-job training.

Education after high school

No formal education is required for this job. However, many employers prefer that you have a high school diploma or its equivalent. Some bakers enroll in formal training programs. Professional-technical schools, two-year colleges, and special culinary schools offer courses.

Culinary training includes courses in menu planning, food preparation, and the selection and storage of food. Some programs teach you how to bake specialty items such as pastries and gourmet breads. Training includes hands-on experience. Many programs include courses in business management.

On-the-job training

Most bakers learn their skills on the job from an experienced worker. You begin as a baker trainee. Training includes:

  • selecting and preparing ingredients;
  • baking;
  • decorating cakes;
  • baking processes; and
  • handling food.

Training can last for several years. Some employers train apprentices. After training, an experienced baker supervises your work. As you gain experience you receive more difficult tasks and more independence.

Military training

The military trains people to be food service specialists. This occupation includes bakers. Training takes nine to 14 weeks, depending on the specialty. Further training occurs on the job.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.