In a typical work setting, construction helpers:
Interpersonal Relationships
- Have a medium level of social contact. They get instructions from supervisors, but often work alone.
- Are somewhat responsible for the work done by others helpers.
- Are somewhat responsible for the health and safety of public and other employees.
- Communicate mostly by face-to-face discussions and occasionally by telephone.
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- Usually work as part of a team of helpers and trade workers.
Physical Work Conditions
- Often wear gloves, hard hats, safety goggles, and ear plugs.
- May work indoors or outdoors, depending on the job.
- Are sometimes exposed to noise levels that are distracting and uncomfortable, such as those made by electric cutting tools.
- Are sometimes exposed to hazardous equipment, such as electric saws and welding equipment.
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- Are sometimes exposed to hot or cold temperatures, depending on the weather.
- Are sometimes exposed to contaminants such as cleaning solvents.
- Are sometimes exposed to high places, especially helpers of bricklayers, painters, and plasterers.
- Are sometimes exposed to hazardous situations that may produce cuts or scrapes.
- Are sometimes exposed to cramped work places that require getting into awkward positions.
- Travel to and from work sites in a truck or van.
- May work physically near others.
Work Performance
- Must be sure that all details are done and their work is exact. Errors could result in lost time and materials.
- Repeat the same physical activities.
- Usually set their daily tasks and priorities with input from a supervisor.
- Must meet weekly and monthly deadlines.
- Usually work eight-hour shifts, though longer hours are also common.
- May work only during seasons when weather permits construction.
- Travel to different construction sites to work. May work at one site for a few weeks or months.