In a typical work setting, musicians and singers:
Interpersonal Relationships
- Have a medium to high level of social contact with others.
- Communicate mostly by e-mail and in person.
- Almost always work as part of a team.
Physical Work Conditions
- Often work indoors, but may occasionally perform outdoors.
- Are occasionally exposed to loud sounds and distracting noise levels, such as during rehearsals.
- Work physically close to others, usually within a few feet.
Work Performance
- Must be very exact so their performances go well.
- Repeat the same physical and mental activities.
- Work in a very competitive environment and meet daily and weekly deadlines.
- Frequently make decisions with others that impact their group or organization.
- May work part time or full time, most work part-time.
- Usually work an established schedule.
- May work an irregular schedule based on performances or tours.