Animators and Multimedia Artists

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Animators and Multimedia Artists

Animators and Multimedia Artists - Wages & Trends

Wages vary by area of the country. Wages also vary based on the type of project and the skill of the artist or animator. Experienced, self-employed special effects artists and animators can earn much more than those who earn salaries. However, when they are starting out, they can earn much less. Wages tend to be higher in some industries, such as advertising or film.

Full-time special effects artists and animators usually earn benefits such as sick leave, paid vacation, and health insurance. 

Special effects artists and animators (SOC 27-1014)
Pay Period
Illinois Hourly $30.50 $38.32 $41.60
Yearly $63,446 $79,705 $86,520
    Cook County Hourly $30.50 $38.32 $38.33
Yearly $63,447 $79,709 $79,716
    Du Page County Hourly $30.50 $38.32 $38.33
Yearly $63,446 $79,704 $79,715
    Lake County Hourly $31.65 $39.56 $49.30
Yearly $65,831 $82,275 $102,548
United States Hourly $34.41 $47.63 $64.13
Yearly $71,570 $99,060 $133,400

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.