
Human Services > Estheticians > Preparation

Estheticians - Preparation

To work as a skincare specialist, you typically need to:

  • have a high school diploma or equivalent;
  • complete a skincare or cosmetology program;
  • be at least 16 years old; and
  • pass a licensing exam.

Education after high school

Most skincare specialists complete a formal training program. Professional-technical schools and two-year colleges offer these programs. Often a skincare program is part of a cosmetology or hairstyling program. As a student you get both classroom and hands-on training. During training, you learn how to cleanse, massage, and treat skin. You also learn how to apply peels, waxes, and masks. You may also learn electrolysis and makeup applications. You also study sterilization techniques, chemistry, and skin problems.

It takes nine to 24 months to complete a program.

On-the-job training

At first, you practice on other students in your training program. Later, you work with customers in a salon that offers discounted services for work done by trainees.

Once hired, you may continue to train under experienced specialists. You learn how to use new products and new skincare techniques. This may take approximately another month.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.