Nurse Practitioners

Finance > Nurse Practitioners > Working Conditions
Nurse Practitioners

Nurse Practitioners - Working Conditions

In a typical work setting, nurse practitioners:

Interpersonal Relationships

  • Have a high level of social interaction. They constantly talk to patients, doctors, nurses, and other medical staff.
  • Communicate daily by phone, e-mail, and in person. They occasionally write letters and memos.
  • Usually work as part of a team of medical professionals.
  • Have a high level of responsibility for the health and safety of others.
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  • Are often placed in conflict situations in which others, especially patients and family members, may be rude or angry.
  • Are responsible for the work done by other medical staff.

Physical Work Conditions

  • Always work indoors.
  • Are exposed to diseases and infections on a daily basis.
  • Regularly wear surgical gloves and masks to protect themselves.
  • Work very near others. They must come into close physical contact with patients during examinations.

Work Performance

  • Must be very exact and accurate when performing the job. Patient health depends on their ability to diagnose and treat.
  • Often repeat the same mental and physical tasks throughout patient appointments.
  • Make decisions daily that substantially impact patients and their families. They usually don't consult others before making a decision.
  • Set some of their daily tasks and goals independently.
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  • Work in a moderately competitive atmosphere where daily deadlines must be met.


  • Generally work a set schedule.
  • May work 40 hours a week or more.
  • May be ""on-call,"" which means available to work on short notice to handle emergencies.
Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.