Apprenticeship Illinois
Apprenticeship Illinois
The Apprenticeship Illinois initiative offers apprentice seekers the opportunity to learn about and have the ability to obtain high-quality, industry-recognized credentials utilizing work-based learning models ...
The Governor-appointed Illinois Workforce Innovation Board (IWIB) includes leaders from state, business, industry, labor, education and community-based organizations with the goal of evaluating and meeting the ...
Business Hub
Business Hub
With the Illinois workNet Business Hub you will be able to find qualified job candidates, train your workforce, or navigate through employment regulations and taxes.
WIOA Works for Illinois
WIOA Works for Illinois
Information about Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act funded programs in Illinois.
DHS Youth Programs
DHS Youth Programs
These programs are offered through the Illinois Department of Human Services for Youth ages 16-24.
This is a link to the internal ISETS system for partners who have been granted access.
WIOA ePolicy Manual
WIOA ePolicy Manual
Access DCEO WIA/WIOA Policy Documents.
IDHS - Application For Services
IDHS - Application For Services
IDHS provides several ways to apply for Cash, SNAP (formerly Food Stamps), and Medical Assistance. Find eligibility and more information to apply and get started today.
Illinois workNet Center
Illinois workNet Center
Helping individuals, employers, and education and workforce partners achieve their training and employment goals.
The Illinois Community College Board (ICCB), as the state coordinating board for community colleges, administers the Public Community College Act in a manner that maximizes the ability of the community colleges...
The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) is your direct link to Illinois workforce services: job placement and referrals, unemployment insurance, employment and training programs, career and labor ...
IOER provides you with one-click access to open, standards-aligned educational content. IOER currently has more than 200,000 open and available learning resources.
Rehabilitation Services
Rehabilitation Services
Employment, education, and independent living opportunities for individuals with disabilities.
Funding Opportunities
Funding Opportunities
At various times throughout the year the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity's Office of Employment and Training (OET) will solicit applications for project to help us advance our mission.
Service Integration Self-Assessment
Service Integration Self-Assessment
The Service Integration and Self-Assessment page provides links to help Local Workforce Innovation Boards (LWIBs), One-Stop Operators, and various core and required partners identified in the federal Workforce ...
Workforce Wednesday Webinars
Workforce Wednesday Webinars
Watch recorded videos and access training materials on topics to assist one-stop operators and WIOA administrators.
Illinois Pathways
Illinois Pathways
Education and career information in high demand industries...
Illinois Works
Illinois Works
Illinois Works Construction Pre-apprenticeship Program will deliver pre-apprenticeship skills training through a network of non-profit, community-based organizations, including community colleges, faith-based o...
This guide is intended to be used by grantees participating in the JTED PY2021 program. This site will be updated ongoing as the projects progress and materials are needed.
Youth Career Pathways
Youth Career Pathways
This Employment and Training Program will assist youth who face barriers to continue in education and gain employment in the state of Illinois. The goal is to provide basic and technical skill training and work...