Governor's Office
Governor's Office
This is the official business page for the State of Illinois. Find resources and services for managing your business or employees, what to know about consumers, and informaiton for registration, licenses, and p...
Illinois Dept. of Commerce
Illinois Dept. of Commerce
The Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) is charged with economic development, employment, and training services.
Dept. of Employment Security
Dept. of Employment Security
The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) is your direct link to Illinois workforce services: job placement and referrals, unemployment insurance, employment and training programs, career and labor ...
Illinois Community College Board
Illinois Community College Board
The Illinois Community College Board (ICCB), as the state coordinating board for community colleges, administers the Public Community College Act in a manner that maximizes the ability of the community colleges...
Rehabilitation Services
Rehabilitation Services
Employment, education, and independent living opportunities for individuals with disabilities.
Illinois Dept. of Revenue
Illinois Dept. of Revenue
Illinois Department of Revenue administers Illinois tax laws and collects tax revenues in a fair, consistent, and efficient manner for taxpayers and provides accurate, timely, and reliable funding and informati...
Illinois Commerce Commission
Illinois Commerce Commission
The ICC's mission is to balance the interests of consumers and utilities to ensure adequate, efficient, reliable, safe and least-cost public utility services, while promoting the development of an effectively c...
Illinois Dept of Labor
Illinois Dept of Labor
The mission of the Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL) is to promote and protect the rights, wages, welfare, working conditions, safety and health of Illinois workers through enforcement of state labor laws, to...
Illinois Dept of Agriculture
Illinois Dept of Agriculture
The Illinois Department of Agriculture's vision is to promote and regulate agriculture in a manner which encourages farming and agribusiness while protecting Illinois' consumers and our natural resources.
Illinois Student Assistance Comm
Illinois Student Assistance Comm
The Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) makes postsecondary education accessible for the students and families of Illinois.
Illinois Board of Higher Education
Illinois Board of Higher Education
The Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) approves all new units of instruction, research, and public service, as well as new academic administrative units, for public colleges and universities in the state...
Capital Development Board
Capital Development Board
The Capital Development Board (CDB) is the construction management agency for Illinois state government and oversees the construction of new state facilities, such as prisons, college and university classroom b...