WIOA Overview

WIOA Overview

Learn about the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and find a listing of the Core Partners and Programs.

WIOA Unified State Plan

WIOA Unified State Plan

Access the final version of the State of Illinois WIOA Unified Sate Plan for Program Years 2020 - 2024 as well as all appendices, attachments, tables, charts, figures, maps, and diagrams.

Regional Planning

Regional Planning

Access the Plan and MOU Dashboard, 2022 EDR Data Packets, the Local Workforce Innovation Areas and Educational Information Interactive Map, and the WIOA Service Locations and Community Partners.

WIOA Approved Training Programs

WIOA Approved Training Programs

Access the searchable list of approved WIOA training programs, providers, and demand occupations. This also provides performance data for approved programs that have applicable information.

Employer-Based Training Programs

Employer-Based Training

Find informational overviews on available employer-based training programs in Illinois as well as downloadable flyers for each.

WARN Reporting & Services

WARN Reporting & Services

Find information on the services available to employers who are planning or have gone through a layoff.