Chapter 1 - Overview
- Using this Manual
- Program Background
- Theory of Action
- Career Pathways
- Targeted Populations
Access Chapter 1 (PDF)
Chapter 2 - Essential Youth Career Pathways Program Elements
- Partnerships
- Business Engagement
- Credentials, Certifications, and/or Postsecondary Access
- High-Demand Industries and Higher Skill Occupations
- Work-Based Learning
- Individual Career/Employment Plans
- Contextualized Learning and Work-Based Skills
- Measurement of Results and Continuous Improvement
- Sustainability
Access Chapter 2 (PDF)
Chapter 3 - Program Requirements
- Youth Career Pathway Initiative Tools
- Outreach and Recruitment
- High-Level Overview
- Intake and Comprehensive Assessment
- Develop an Illinois workNet Career Plan
- Allowable Youth Services Under WIOA
- Case Management
- Industry Recognized Credentials
- Work Experience
- Essential Employability Skills
Access Chapter 3 (PDF)
Chapter 4 - Program Administration
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Worksite Placement and Agreements
- Youth Process Flow Overview
Access Chapter 4 (PDF)
Chapter 5 - Regulations, Financial Management, and Reporting
- Accounting and Reporting
- Allowable Grant Costs
- Payroll Disbursements
- Audits
- Scope of Work Compliance and Consequence for Non-Compliance
- Project Management and Reporting
- Monitoring
- Performance Requirements for Youth
- Fiscal Management (FROM SOW)
- Final DCEO Grantee Report
Access Chapter 5 (PDF)
Chapter 6 - References
- Appendix A: A Vision and Theory of Action
- Appendix B: Individualized Career Development Plan
- Appendix C: IPACE-Illinois Postsecondary and Career Expectations
- Appendix D: Worksite Assessment
- Appendix E: Worksite Agreement
- Appendix H: Timesheet
- Appendix I: Glossary
- Appendix J: Getting Started in workNet
Access Chapter 6 (PDF)