Targeted Resumes: The Ticket to Your Next Job

Add to Calendar 10:30 AM 12/8/202011:30 AM America/Chicago Targeted Resumes: The Ticket to Your Next Job
What is an applicant tracking system? Learn how to target your resume to your dream job. Discover how to use the job description as a guide to create accomplishments to get you noticed. Finally, use keywords to increase your chances of getting an interview.

Have your resume and a job description ready for notes during the workshop.

Date and Time
Tue, December 8 2020, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM


Online Event



What is an applicant tracking system? Learn how to target your resume to your dream job. Discover how to use the job description as a guide to create accomplishments to get you noticed. Finally, use keywords to increase your chances of getting an interview.

Have your resume and a job description ready for notes during the workshop.

  • Event Type
  • Intended Audiences
    General Public Community Organization Student/Learner Job Seeker Laid Off Worker Mature Worker Re-Entry Person

Targeted Resumes: The Ticket to Your Next Job

Online: https​:​/​/www​.eventbrite​.com​/e​/targeted-resumes-your-ticket-​to-your-next-job-tickets-12921​8982455...

Tue, December 8 2020, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Add to Calendar 10:30 AM 12/8/202011:30 AM America/Chicago Targeted Resumes: The Ticket to Your Next Job
What is an applicant tracking system? Learn how to target your resume to your dream job. Discover how to use the job description as a guide to create accomplishments to get you noticed. Finally, use keywords to increase your chances of getting an interview.

Have your resume and a job description ready for notes during the workshop.