JUMPSTART! – The Targeted Job Search
What do you need to be successful in job search? This workshop answers that and more! Join us to learn about our FIVE proven job search strategies and how to start applying them immediately. We look forward to meeting you!
NOTE: This is a LIVE interactive workshop. There will be activities that require your full attention. Please be courteous to all participants by remaining quiet and attentive. Make sure to plan accordingly!
http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=shu4iomab&oeidk=a07ej7a96oy18c3bfb0Tue, June 28 2022, 9:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Online Event
DescriptionWhat do you need to be successful in job search? This workshop answers that and more! Join us to learn about our FIVE proven job search strategies and how to start applying them immediately. We look forward to meeting you!
NOTE: This is a LIVE interactive workshop. There will be activities that require your full attention. Please be courteous to all participants by remaining quiet and attentive. Make sure to plan accordingly!
Contact Info
www.NationalAble.org | 855.994.8300
Event Type
Webinar -
Intended Audiences
General Public Employer Job Seeker Laid Off Worker Mature Worker Re-Entry Person Veteran
JUMPSTART! – The Targeted Job Search
Online: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=shu4iomab&oeidk=a07ej7a96oy18c3bfb0...
Tue, June 28 2022, 9:15 AM - 10:45 AM
What do you need to be successful in job search? This workshop answers that and more! Join us to learn about our FIVE proven job search strategies and how to start applying them immediately. We look forward to meeting you!
NOTE: This is a LIVE interactive workshop. There will be activities that require your full attention. Please be courteous to all participants by remaining quiet and attentive. Make sure to plan accordingly!