MS Excel Level I: Using the Layout and Interface

Add to Calendar 11:00 AM 3/29/202312:00 PM America/Chicago MS Excel Level I: Using the Layout and Interface

Let’s tour the Excel Ribbon to learn how to use the layout and interface. We’ll review tabs, command groups, command buttons, and more.

Date and Time
Wed, March 29 2023, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Online Event




Let’s tour the Excel Ribbon to learn how to use the layout and interface. We’ll review tabs, command groups, command buttons, and more.

Contact Info | 855.994.8300
  • Event Type
  • Intended Audiences
    General Public Employer Job Seeker Laid Off Worker Mature Worker Re-Entry Person Veteran

MS Excel Level I: Using the Layout and Interface

Online: http​:​/​/events​.constantcontact​.com​/register​/event​?llr=shu4iomab​&oeidk=a07ejo6prgbf31a5e7c...

Wed, March 29 2023, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Add to Calendar 11:00 AM 3/29/202312:00 PM America/Chicago MS Excel Level I: Using the Layout and Interface

Let’s tour the Excel Ribbon to learn how to use the layout and interface. We’ll review tabs, command groups, command buttons, and more.