Resumes, Cover Letters, and Applying Online

Add to Calendar 10:00 AM 4/3/202412:00 PM America/Chicago Resumes, Cover Letters, and Applying Online

This presentation showcases resume styles and the elements that go into building your resume. Every job application requires unique skills, and this session will show you how to improve your resume to match the jobs to which you are applying. Additionally, we will discuss cover letters and learn about ideas to include. This will be an online workshop.

Click the link below to register:

Date and Time
Wed, April 3, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Online Event




This presentation showcases resume styles and the elements that go into building your resume. Every job application requires unique skills, and this session will show you how to improve your resume to match the jobs to which you are applying. Additionally, we will discuss cover letters and learn about ideas to include. This will be an online workshop.

Click the link below to register:

Contact Info
(815) 338-7100 ext. 2771
  • Event Type
  • Intended Audiences
    General Public Job Seeker

Resumes, Cover Letters, and Applying Online

Online: https​:​/​/us02web​.zoom​.us​/meeting​/register​/tZUlduCprjkuEtM5_9tLtuk8d0vVm​JKXCp9d​#​/registration...

Wed, April 3, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Add to Calendar 10:00 AM 4/3/202412:00 PM America/Chicago Resumes, Cover Letters, and Applying Online

This presentation showcases resume styles and the elements that go into building your resume. Every job application requires unique skills, and this session will show you how to improve your resume to match the jobs to which you are applying. Additionally, we will discuss cover letters and learn about ideas to include. This will be an online workshop.

Click the link below to register: