Computer Skills Lab - Batavia In-Person (Pre-Registration Required)

Add to Calendar 10:00 AM 4/10/202411:00 AM America/Chicago Computer Skills Lab - Batavia In-Person (Pre-Registration Required)

Come set up a free NorthStar digital literacy account and learn how to take advantage of training in a variety of programs like Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Google Docs, online job search, and more!

This class is intended for those with little or no prior computer experience. 

(Max. Capacity - 10) 

To register for this Computer Skills Lab session, please click the link below to secure your spot as space is limited

workNet Batavia
143 1st St
Batavia, IL 60510

Date and Time
Wed, April 10 2024, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

workNet Batavia
143 1st St
Batavia, IL 60510



Come set up a free NorthStar digital literacy account and learn how to take advantage of training in a variety of programs like Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Google Docs, online job search, and more!

This class is intended for those with little or no prior computer experience. 

(Max. Capacity - 10) 

To register for this Computer Skills Lab session, please click the link below to secure your spot as space is limited

  • Event Type
  • Intended Audiences
    After-School Program Staff Administrator General Public Mentor Parent Community Organization Student/Learner Teacher/Education Specialist Job Seeker Laid Off Worker Mature Worker Person with a Disability Re-Entry Person Veteran Volunteer Employee LGBTQ+ Youth Workforce Partner Immigrant

Computer Skills Lab - Batavia In-Person (Pre-Registration Required)
workNet Batavia

Wed, April 10 2024, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

143 1st St
Batavia, IL 60510

Add to Calendar 10:00 AM 4/10/202411:00 AM America/Chicago Computer Skills Lab - Batavia In-Person (Pre-Registration Required)

Come set up a free NorthStar digital literacy account and learn how to take advantage of training in a variety of programs like Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Google Docs, online job search, and more!

This class is intended for those with little or no prior computer experience. 

(Max. Capacity - 10) 

To register for this Computer Skills Lab session, please click the link below to secure your spot as space is limited

workNet Batavia
143 1st St
Batavia, IL 60510