Apprenticeship Illinois Marketing Work Group: November Meeting

Add to Calendar 2:00 PM 11/7/20243:00 PM America/Chicago Apprenticeship Illinois Marketing Work Group: November Meeting The monthly Apprenticeship Illinois Committee Marketing Workgroup meeting discusses updates to the Illinois Workforce Innovation Board, Apprenticeship Illinois Committee, and outreach marketing efforts. An overview of the website, bulletin, and social media analytics is provided. Committee members share information and collaborate on Illinois initiatives, including planning and implementing National Apprenticeship Week and strategies for the Marketing Agency to implement statewide. This meeting will also include a debrief of the Employer Roundtable state-wide events. The meeting concludes with an open forum for questions.

Date and Time
Thu, November 7 2024, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM


Online Event



Description The monthly Apprenticeship Illinois Committee Marketing Workgroup meeting discusses updates to the Illinois Workforce Innovation Board, Apprenticeship Illinois Committee, and outreach marketing efforts. An overview of the website, bulletin, and social media analytics is provided. Committee members share information and collaborate on Illinois initiatives, including planning and implementing National Apprenticeship Week and strategies for the Marketing Agency to implement statewide. This meeting will also include a debrief of the Employer Roundtable state-wide events. The meeting concludes with an open forum for questions.

Contact Info
  • Event Type
  • Intended Audiences
    Apprenticeship Workforce Partner
  • Series
    Apprenticeship Week

Apprenticeship Illinois Marketing Work Group: November Meeting

Online: https​:​/​/www​.illinoisworknet​.com​/ApprenticeshipIL​/Pages​/IWIBApprenticeshipCommittee​.aspx...

Thu, November 7 2024, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Add to Calendar 2:00 PM 11/7/20243:00 PM America/Chicago Apprenticeship Illinois Marketing Work Group: November Meeting The monthly Apprenticeship Illinois Committee Marketing Workgroup meeting discusses updates to the Illinois Workforce Innovation Board, Apprenticeship Illinois Committee, and outreach marketing efforts. An overview of the website, bulletin, and social media analytics is provided. Committee members share information and collaborate on Illinois initiatives, including planning and implementing National Apprenticeship Week and strategies for the Marketing Agency to implement statewide. This meeting will also include a debrief of the Employer Roundtable state-wide events. The meeting concludes with an open forum for questions.