DCEO Virtual Office Hours - Grant Q&A
The Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity
(DCEO) Office of Accountability is hosting a virtual informal Question and
Answer session via Webex for potential and current grantees to ask questions
and seek assistants. Technical Support Managers will be online to field
questions, demonstrate steps, or provide instructions as needed to assist
entities and individuals with the grant process.
Tue, November 12 2024, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Online Event
DescriptionThe Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity
(DCEO) Office of Accountability is hosting a virtual informal Question and
Answer session via Webex for potential and current grantees to ask questions
and seek assistants. Technical Support Managers will be online to field
questions, demonstrate steps, or provide instructions as needed to assist
entities and individuals with the grant process.
Contact Info
Email: CEO.GrantHelp@Illinois.gov
Event Type
Webinar -
Intended Audiences
Community Organization Employer Grantee Business -
Funding Opportunity NOFO
Reoccuring Dates:
11/19/2024 11/26/2024
DCEO Virtual Office Hours - Grant Q&A
Online: https://dceo.illinois.gov/aboutdceo/grantopportunities/upcoming-grant-trainings.html...
Tue, November 12 2024, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
The Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity
(DCEO) Office of Accountability is hosting a virtual informal Question and
Answer session via Webex for potential and current grantees to ask questions
and seek assistants. Technical Support Managers will be online to field
questions, demonstrate steps, or provide instructions as needed to assist
entities and individuals with the grant process.