Computer Basics

Add to Calendar 2:00 PM 2/7/20254:00 PM America/Chicago Computer Basics This workshop teaches the basic fundamentals of using Windows operating systems, the Internet, and email as well as downloading, transferring, and saving files.  Kankakee Community College North Extension Center
450 N Bradley Blvd.
Bradley, IL 60915-1223

Date and Time
Fri, February 7, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Kankakee Community College North Extension Center
450 N Bradley Blvd.
Bradley, IL 60915-1223


Description This workshop teaches the basic fundamentals of using Windows operating systems, the Internet, and email as well as downloading, transferring, and saving files. 

Contact Info
  • Event Type
  • Intended Audiences
    Job Seeker Laid Off Worker Veteran
  • Field of Interest
    Employability Skills Standards
  • Frequency

Computer Basics
Kankakee Community College North Extension Center

Fri, February 7, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

450 N Bradley Blvd.
Bradley, IL 60915-1223

Add to Calendar 2:00 PM 2/7/20254:00 PM America/Chicago Computer Basics This workshop teaches the basic fundamentals of using Windows operating systems, the Internet, and email as well as downloading, transferring, and saving files.  Kankakee Community College North Extension Center
450 N Bradley Blvd.
Bradley, IL 60915-1223