Applied Digital Skills - Google Docs

Add to Calendar 10:00 AM 5/13/202511:30 AM America/Chicago Applied Digital Skills - Google Docs

Learn to use tools, settings, and other features in Google Docs; Edit and adjust the content and settings of a document to share, collaborate on, and download the document

Date and Time
Tue, May 13, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM


Online Event




Learn to use tools, settings, and other features in Google Docs; Edit and adjust the content and settings of a document to share, collaborate on, and download the document

  • Event Type
  • Intended Audiences
    After-School Program Staff General Public Community Organization Student/Learner Teacher/Education Specialist Employer Job Seeker Laid Off Worker Person with a Disability Re-Entry Person Veteran Entrepreneur Volunteer Employee Business Youth Workforce Partner Immigrant

Applied Digital Skills - Google Docs

Online: https​:​/​/bit​.ly​/jobredform...

Tue, May 13, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Add to Calendar 10:00 AM 5/13/202511:30 AM America/Chicago Applied Digital Skills - Google Docs

Learn to use tools, settings, and other features in Google Docs; Edit and adjust the content and settings of a document to share, collaborate on, and download the document