1/7: Digital Literacy Introduction

To be digitally literate means being able to use digital technology, communication tools, or networks to locate, evaluate, use, and create information. These skills are used in everyday life and all industries and jobs. There are programs that can assist you in finding and improving these skills.

2/7: Why Online Security Matters

​There is always a risk whenever you transfer information from one computer or mobile device to another. The risk can come in the form of malicious code or people that contact you.

3/7: Why Knowing Your Computer/Mobile Device Matters

​Getting to know a computer or mobile device that is new to you can be fun and a little scary at the same time. The good thing is that most computers and mobile devices have similar components and navigation. Once you learn one system, you can usually apply that knowledge to a new device. Before you use or purchase a computer or mobile device, have a general understanding.

4/7: Why Software and Apps Matter

​You probably don't realize you are using software and apps every day. Here are some examples. Do you do any of the following on your computer or mobile device?

5/7: Why Online Skills Matter

Online (or "web literacy") skills help you in your work and personal life. In fact, the Internet and Web seem to be everywhere. Here are some examples of places you may use online skills.

6/7: Why Networking and Cloud Technologies Matter

​Cloud computing is great because it is convenient and offers a great deal of flexibility. There are a few things to consider when using the cloud. Click here for more information.

7/7: More Digital Literacy Resources

Find additional resources on how to acquire or improve your digital literacy skills, click the buttons below.