1/9: Explore Career Introduction

Exploring career options and planning for your career is exciting and rewarding. Whether you’re new to the workforce or have years of experience, Illinois workNet has the tools to help you create your roadmap to success. So, when you are ready to make a career move, you’ll be able to make an informed decision.

Use Illinois workNet tools to explore careers:

2/9: Skills and Interests Surveys

Use Skills and Interests Surveys as a starting point to find career pathways that may be good matches.

3/9: Selecting a Career Path

Use the Careers, Wages & Trends search tool to learn more and take notes about careers, projected job openings, and the training that is required for each career.

4/9: Demand Occupations Search

See what jobs are in the highest demand throughout illinois. Use the Illinois workNet Demand Occupations Search below.

5/9: Employment 101

Use the Employment 101 tool to find out what your employment goals are and how to reach them.

6/9: Explore Career Pathways

You are more likely to be satisfied with your work if you know what you are getting into and if the work sounds exciting. To see if a career pathway is a good match for you, talk to people in that career pathway.

7/9: Look at the Big Picture

Consider all the ways in which the career path you are pursuing will affect your life. From the short-term to the long-term, there are many questions you can ask yourself to learn if this is the right decision for you.

8/9: Overcome Obstacles

No matter the source, obstacles can make it more difficult to reach your goals. Read up on how you can have a positive attitude when dealing with life’s challenges.

9/9: More Explore Career Resources

For additional resources to explore careers and your future, click the buttons below.