• 2015

    Summer 2015 Youth Guide Now Available!

    ​Illinois workNet has released the Summer 2015 Youth Guide! This is an easy to use guide for youth to use to:

    • Prepare for a job.
    • Apply for a job
    • Learn how to be smart with money.
    • Plan for the future by setting goals.

    With the school year at a close, the summer is a great time for youth to find summer work to start building their skills and resume. In addition to providing steps youth can use to prepare for the job search, the guide also covers saving money, setting goals, and planning for the future.

    Get started with the youth guide today and share with anyone you know that can use the tips, resources, and tools to be successful this summer!

    Youth Guide

    You can access the guide from the Illinois workNet home page at any time, just look for the Summer 2015 Youth Guide logo!

  • 2015

    Upcoming Webinars - Register For All Today!

    <div class="ExternalClassB2168C43325D49CFB2D2E2AFBC6DD1FB"><p>​Illinois workNet wants to make sure you&#160;know&#160;about all of the tools and resources available to you via our website. We have three upcoming webinars, and even more we haven't scheduled yet, that we want you to attend!</p><p>
    <strong>Tools and Resources to Connect Individuals and Businesses Webinar</strong></p><p>In this webinar, we will look at the components of Illinois workNet that can help an individual implement their career plan OR an employer research and share job openings. We will review&#58;</p><ul><li>the components of exploring careers,</li><li>how to gain or retain skills,</li><li>the skills employers want in new employees,</li><li>resources to find or post job openings, and last,
    <br></li><li>how to network and find connections in your career field.</li></ul><p>
    <a href="https&#58;//tools-and-resources-to-connect.eventbrite.com/" title="Register for this session" target="_blank">Register for this session</a>. </p><p>
    <a href="http&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/tools-and-resources-to-connect-individuals-and-businesses-tickets-15443822890?ref=ebtn" target="_blank"><img src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=15443822890" alt="Eventbrite - Tools and Resources to Connect Individuals and Businesses" /></a></p><p>
    <strong>Tools for Exploring Careers and Planning for Your Future Webinar<br></strong></p><p>Determining where your career path is leading you is an important first step. This webinar will go in-depth to review the Illinois workNet components that include&#58;</p><ul><li>Skill &amp; Interest Surveys,</li><li>Careers, Wages &amp; Trends Search, and our</li><li>Employment 101 Planning Guide.</li></ul><p>
    <a href="https&#58;//tools-for-exploring-careers.eventbrite.com/" title="Register for this session" target="_blank">Register for this session</a>.</p><p>
    <a target="_blank" href="http&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/tools-for-exploring-careers-and-planning-for-your-future-tickets-15444264210?ref=ebtn" title="Registration">
    <img alt="Eventbrite - Tools for Exploring Careers and Planning for Your Future" src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=15444264210" /></a>
    <br> </p><p>
    <strong>Selecting and Financing Training Webinar</strong></p><p>You have completed the planning process. You know where your career path is taking you. Now you need to determine what kind of training you might need to accomplish it. This webinar will cover the training resources available to&#58;</p><ul><li>individuals that need training to enter a career,</li><li>employees that need skill upgrade, or</li><li>transitioning employees.</li></ul><p>We will also cover apprenticeship and adult education opportunities within this webinar.</p><p>
    <a href="https&#58;//selecting-and-financing-training.eventbrite.com/" title="Register for this session" target="_blank">Register for this session</a>. <br></p><p><a target="_blank" href="http&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/selecting-and-financing-training-tickets-15444511951?ref=ebtn" title="Registration"><img alt="Eventbrite - Selecting and Financing Training" src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=15444511951" /></a></p></div>

  • 2015

    Is Your Elevator Speech Ready?

    ​Writing an elevator speech can be difficult. Let the Illinois workNet team help you! Our newest article includes details on what an elevator speech is, what should be included, and how to deliver your elevator speech. It even includes an example and resources to help you write your own! If you are searching for a job, attending networking events, or meeting new people, an elevator speech can be your go-to conversation opener. Take the time to read through the article so you can create your elevator speech today!


    Infographic source: http://ylakeland.com/

    Make sure to check out the other articles throughout the site for help on specific topics. We have articles that cover resume writing, adult education, financial aid, using social media, budgeting, and much, much more!

  • 2015

    Volunteers Across Illinois Set to Make Martin Luther King Day a "Day On, Not a Day Off"

    Day of Service Will Mark the Beginning of the Year of the Volunteer

    CHICAGO – The Serve Illinois Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service (Serve Illinois) today encouraged people across Illinois to take part in the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service on Monday, January 19, 2015.

    "Doctor King said that, 'Life's most persistent and urgent question is: 'What are you doing for others?'" Serve Illinois Executive Director Scott McFarland said.  "Illinoisans answer this question each day by helping their neighbors and their community.  Volunteerism is the answer."

    The Day of Service will also mark the beginning of the Year of the Volunteer with the theme of "You are the difference."  Volunteerism throughout Illinois will increase during the year by celebrating community service and connecting and strengthening the already extensive network of organizations involved in service.  In Senate Resolution 1002, the Illinois Senate designated the Year of the Volunteer, which is sponsored by Generations Serving Generations, Robert R. McCormick Foundation, the Illinois Department on Aging, Serve Illinois, the Corporation for National and Community Service, the Illinois Board of Higher Education, the Illinois State Board of Education, the Illinois Community College Board and more than 100 organizations and businesses committed to civic engagement.

    Anyone interested in volunteering on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service can visit Serve.Illinois.gov to find more than 100,000 volunteer opportunities throughout Illinois and in bordering states.  Volunteers can search based on location or area of interest, as well as by web-based, ongoing or one-time volunteer opportunities.

    Serve Illinois is also accepting nominations for the annual Governor's Volunteer Service Awards.  These awards recognize individual volunteers and businesses that support community service in order to honor those who provide selfless service to the state and to highlight the importance of volunteerism and community service in Illinois.

    Nominations are due to Serve Illinois by January 31, 2015.  A ceremony to honor recipients will be held on April 20 at the Executive Mansion in Springfield.  Visit Serve.Illinois.gov for information about individual awards, past recipient bios, and nomination forms.

  • 2015

    Innovative Programs - 2014 Illinois Workforce Development

    <div class="ExternalClass5A8A7701B27742709D75EBEAA6A3E105"><p>​Across Illinois, The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) along with its local and state partners is taking the lead in convening our economic development, business, and educational systems to create initiatives that fill the skills gap for employers and lead to living wage employment.&#160; Highlights of these various initiatives are in the DCEO 2014 Illinois Workforce Development Annual Report.&#160; The report provides the activities of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) partners and illustrates the strong relationship between Illinois businesses and the workforce development system.
    <br></p><p>Read the report to learn more about innovative programs, how employer-driven strategies are impacting our workforce, and to see examples of successes that demonstrate a positive impact on individuals and businesses.
    <br></p><p>Read the
    <a title="2014 Illinois Workforce Development Annual Report PDF" href="/DownloadPrint/Final_WFAnnlRpt_FY13SYP14_Web.pdf" target="_blank">2014 Illinois Workforce Development Annual Report</a>.</p><p>Visit
    <a title="WIOA Website" href="/wioa" target="_blank">WIOA Works to learn more about Workforce Development in Illinois</a>.</p><p>
    <a title="2014 Illinois Workforce Development Annual Report PDF" href="/DownloadPrint/Final_WFAnnlRpt_FY13SYP14_Web.pdf" target="_blank"><img alt="2014 Illinois Workforce Development Annual Report PDF" src="/News/PublishingImages/Final_WFAnnlRpt_FY13SYP14_400.jpg" style="margin&#58;5px;" /></a><br>&#160;</p></div>

  • 2014

    How Can You Use Social Media to Find Your Next Job or Employee?

    <div class="ExternalClass5A029BC77AFF4882B5AE3E0F852DA2D1"><p>​People thought it was a fad, but social media is here to stay! Social media is being used more and more as a main component of many marketing campaigns. How can you make the best use of social media to enhance your job search or recruiting efforts?</p><p>Illinois workNet held two webinars that focused on social media hosted by our very own social media strategist Dee Reinhardt.
    <br></p><p>One was geared to
    <strong>job seekers </strong>and covered all of the major social platforms. While you are in job search mode, you are branding yourself as a product to market to a company. Because social media is ever evolving, we discussed tips and tricks that address strategy while using the platforms more than actual how-to's.
    <br></p><p>The other webinar was geared toward
    <strong>recruiting </strong>through social media. The guest speaker on this HR focused webinar was Chris Larson of the Barton Professional Group, a recruiting company in the Chicago suburbs. Dee and Chris discussed tactics businesses could use on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, LinkedIn groups, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube.
    <br></p><p>Find both of these recordings and our other social media mini-recordings by visiting our
    <a title="Social Media Guide" href="/Connect/Pages/SocialMediaGuide.aspx" target="_blank">social media guide</a> or our YouTube playlists -
    <a title="Job Search and Social Media" href="http&#58;//youtu.be/73TMDF5wypI?list=PLlkuU1Id_xm_gGyPnugEQcoMRJZ8HXUjz" target="_blank">Job Search and Social Media</a> or
    <a title="Recruiting and Social Media" href="http&#58;//youtu.be/lhQX2Vn7pK8?list=PLlkuU1Id_xm-GKalPtniJWwYLxyCIsXmd" target="_blank">Recruiting and Social Media</a>.</p><p>Download the Presentations to have all the information in front of you while you watch the videos.</p><ul><li>Job Search and Social Media (<a title="Job Search and Social Media (PDF)" href="/News/Documents/Why+social+media-JobSeeker_FINAL.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a>)</li><li>Recruiting and Social Media (<a title="Recruiting and Social Media (PDF)" href="/News/Documents/Why+social+media-Business_FINAL.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a>)</li></ul><p>
    <br> &#160;</p><p></p>
    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/73TMDF5wypI" frameborder="0"></iframe>&#160;
    </p><iframe width="420" height="315" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/lhQX2Vn7pK8" frameborder="0"></iframe>

  • 2014

    Your Feedback Is Needed!

    ​Illinois workNet has a long history of collecting customer feedback. Please participate to ensure the new Illinois workNet website meets your needs!

    The Illinois workNet portal system is in process of being updated and redesigned. For users, examples of the changes include new:

    • look and feel,
    • navigation,
    • personalization,
    • responsiveness so you can access on your mobile device,
    • updated and interactive tools,
    • and more!

    Attend this webinar to see the changes and let us know what you think!

    Register today: https://worknetredesign-feedbackneeded.eventbrite.com

  • 2014

    Get Career Planning Tips and Information with These Videos!

    <div class="ExternalClass3396D4DEFA43454397D4B1A9A4FFBF0A"><p>​Planning for your future? Trying to figure out what you want to be when you grow up? Not sure how to advance in your current career? </p><p>If you answered yes to any of these questions, we have the information you need! Watch our Career Planning and Exploration webinar series to help you make your decisions!</p><p>Download the presentation PDFs below and watch the
    <a href="http&#58;//youtu.be/g33Fx8ofNk8?list=PLlkuU1Id_xm9A4ghLYvSjDA6iBkSboTF-" title="YouTube" target="_blank">videos</a>!</p><p>
    <strong>Understanding Labor Market Information (<a href="/News/Documents/LaborMarketInformationPPT_v4FINAL.pdf" target="_blank" title="Understanding Labor Market Information (PDF)">PDF</a>)</strong><br>We will discuss with Guest Speaker Norman Kelewitz how to use the wage and career trend information that you find on a variety of websites to help you make your career path decisions.</p><p>
    <strong>Learn more about Careers and Trends</strong><br>Find out characteristics that will make you a good fit in the following industries. Learn what the future career trends are in these industries and how you can stay up-to-date in your chosen career field.</p><ul><li>Manufacturing (<a href="/News/Documents/CareerTrendsManufacturing_PPT_FINAL%20(2)%2010%2007%2014.pdf" title="Manufacturing (PDF)" target="_blank">PDF</a>) - Guest Speaker - Jim Nelson, Illinois Manufacturing Association </li><li>Information Technology (<a href="/News/Documents/CareerTrendsIT_PPT_FINAL%20100714.pdf" title="Information Technology (PDF)" target="_blank">PDF</a>) - Guest Speaker - Paul Cameron, DriveStaff.com </li><li>Healthcare (<a href="/News/Documents/CareerTrendsHealthcare_Handout_FINAL%2010%2007%2014.pdf" title="Healthcare (PDF) " target="_blank">PDF</a>) - Guest Speaker - Michael O'Rourke, Presence Health</li></ul><p>
    <strong>Tools for Finding Careers That Match Your Skills and Interests (<a href="/News/Documents/ToolsToFindCareers_Handout_FINAL.pdf" title="Tools for Finding Careers That Match Your Skills and Interests (PDF)" target="_blank">PDF</a>)</strong><br>We will discuss with Guest Speaker Jan Leahy tools you can use on-line to determine what career path is right for you based on your current skills and interests.<br><br></p><p></p>
    <iframe width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/g33Fx8ofNk8?list=PLlkuU1Id_xm9A4ghLYvSjDA6iBkSboTF-"></iframe> &#160;

  • 2014

    The Right App for the Right Job!

    <div class="ExternalClassE23FD1800DCD4C30BA2634E30A4E745F"><p>
    <img src="/Connect/PublishingImages/jobPrep_HomeScreen.png" alt="jobPrep Home Screen" class="ms-rtePosition-2" style="margin&#58;5px;width&#58;181px;" /> Illinois workNet is excited to announce the updated jobPrep app for Android, iOS, and Amazon! The updated jobPrep app includes capabilities that will assist Illinois job seekers with their employment needs, all from the convenience of a smartphone. Whether you're at home or on your way to a job interview, get the help you need when and where you need it with the jobPrep app.</p><p> More than just a job search tool, the jobPrep app offers job preparation at your fingertips&#58;<br></p><ul><li> learn about what you need to do to get the competitive edge with articles &amp; tips,</li><li> learn how and where to get supportive services, </li><li> connect to training programs for high-demand jobs,</li><li> connect to the virtual job club,
    <span>find and apply for jobs, </span></span></span></span></span></span> and </li><li> use the calendar to find local job fairs and workshops.</li></ul><p>
    <br>Using these resources provides job seekers with many outcomes, like a 2nd interview, a job offer, a new contact, a new skill, and more!</p><p>
    <strong>View the infographic.
    <a target="_blank" href="/Connect/PublishingImages/jobPrepApp%20download%20for%20print%20flyer%20size.png" title="jobPrep Infographic">
    <img src="/Connect/PublishingImages/jobPrepApp%20download%20for%20print%20flyer%20size_250.png" alt="jobPrep Infographic" class="ms-rtePosition-2" style="margin&#58;5px;width&#58;207px;" /></a><br></strong></p><p> The jobPrep app is made possible through a federal WIA-funded project sponsored by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity and partnerships with Illinois workNet, i.c. stars, and Solstice Mobile.<br></p><p> Matt and Jeremy are two hardworking individuals that became involved in the i.c.stars program. Watch the video below that highlights their key takeaways from their time as residents with i.c.stars, as well as their experiences as mobile developers with Solstice Mobile on the jobPrep application.</p><p></p>
    <iframe width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/C8pHyee4UyY"></iframe>
    <strong>Watch the jobPrep screencast!</strong></span></span></span><br>
    <iframe width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/_gZ6ycb6N4c"></iframe><br>
    <strong> </strong>
    <strong>Download the jobPrep Flyer for Adults (</strong><a target="_blank" href="/DownloadPrint/JobPrepSeekerFlyerNovember2014_Final.pdf" title="jobPrep Flyer for Adults (PDF)"><strong>PDF</strong></a><strong>) to share!</strong></p><p>
    <a target="_blank" href="/DownloadPrint/JobPrepSeekerFlyerNovember2014_Final.pdf" title="jobPrep Flyer for Adults (PDF)"><img src="/News/PublishingImages/JobPrepSeekerFlyerNovember2014_Final_200.jpg" alt="jobPrep Flyer for Adults PDF" style="margin&#58;5px;" /></a><br><strong></strong>&#160;</p><p>
    <strong>D</strong><strong>ownload the jobPrep Flyer for Youth (<a target="_blank" href="/DownloadPrint/jobPrepYouthFlyer_FINAL.pdf" title="jobPrep Flyer PDF">PDF</a>) to share!</strong></p><p>
    <a target="_blank" href="/DownloadPrint/jobPrepYouthFlyer_FINAL.pdf" title="jobPrep Flyer PDF"><img src="/Connect/PublishingImages/jobPrepYouthFlyer_v1_2014_400.jpg" alt="jobPrep Flyer PDF" class="ms-rtePosition-1" style="margin&#58;5px;width&#58;200px;height&#58;259px;" /></a><br>
    <strong>Scan a tag below to download the jobPrep app today!<br></strong></p><p>
    Google Play</span></span></span><br><strong></strong></p><p>
    <span id="DeltaPlaceHolderMain">
    <span id="part1">
    <img src="/Connect/PublishingImages/GooglePlay_ScanTag.png" alt="" style="margin&#58;5px;" /></span></span></span>&#160;</p><p>
    <img src="/Connect/PublishingImages/iTunes_QR.png" alt="" style="margin&#58;5px;width&#58;180px;height&#58;180px;" />
    <em></em><span><span><span><a target="_blank" href="http&#58;//www.amazon.com/SIU-Center-for-Workforce-Development/dp/B00O9O4EKA/ref=sr_pi_syps_1_1?s=mobile-apps&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1412773843&amp;sr=1-1&amp;keywords=jobPrep" title="Amazon"></a></span></span></span>&#160;</p><p>
    <img src="/Connect/PublishingImages/Amazon_ScanTag.png" alt="" style="margin&#58;5px;width&#58;180px;" /></span></span></span>
    <span id="DeltaPlaceHolderMain">
    <span id="part1"></span></span></p><p>
    <span id="DeltaPlaceHolderMain">
    <span id="part1"></span></span>

  • 2014

    Register for the Career Planning Webinar Series!

    Explore CareersHave you thought about what you want to be when you:

    • Start Out,
    • Change Careers, or
    • Look for Career Advancement?

    We have some webinars scheduled for your help you make your decisions.

    Understanding Labor Market Information - September 24, 2014 at 1PM
    We will discuss with Guest Speaker Ron Payne how to use the wage and career trend information that you find on a variety of websites to help you make your career path decisions.

    Learn more about Careers and Trends - find out characteristics that will make you a good fit in the following industries. Learn what the future career trends are in these industries and how you can stay up-to-date in your chosen career field.

    • Manufacturing - Guest Speaker - Jim Nelson, Illinois Manufacturing Association on October 7, 2014 at 10AM
    • Information Technology - Guest Speaker - Paul Cameron, DriveStaff.com on October 7, 2014 at 11AM
    • Healthcare - Guest Speaker - Michael O'Rourke, Presence Health on October 7, 2014 at Noon

    Tools for Finding Careers That Match Your Skills and Interests - October 9, 2014 at 1PM
    We will discuss with Guest Speaker Jan Leahy tools you can use on-line to determine what career path is right for you based on your current skills and interests.

    Make use of this information as you are deciding upon which career path you want to follow as you select a field whether you are just starting out or starting over.

    Register today!

  • 2014

    Financial Aid and Budgeting Basics Webinar Series

    Illinois workNet will be offering three webinars to cover money management basics. Join any or all of these 30 minute webinars for tips from the experts! 

    Budgeting - September 17 from 10:00-10:30 AM
    Nathalie Rosado, Ladder Up Financial Literacy Coordinator, will cover how to make a budget, as well as making saving a priority within a budget.  Topics include needs versus wants and the importance of careful financial planning for young adults.  

    Financial Aid Basics - September 17 from 11:00-11:30 AM
    Keisha Heard, Ladder Up Financial Aid Coordinator, will provide an overview of the financial aid process for students and parents. This workshop will provide basic knowledge of the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA), and guide clients through the correct steps of completing the FAFSA.

    Make Informed Student Loan Decisions - September 17 from 1:00-1:30 PM
    Keisha Heard, Ladder Up Financial Aid Coordinator, will discuss the types of loans that are available and key differences among them as well as how a loan works with emphasis on the repayment process.

    Register today! 

  • 2014

    In Honor of Workforce Development Week - Activities

    <div class="ExternalClassD7E8391D2B054B3086FE9E5FA91884BA"><p> ​We held four webinars for job seekers to help build their interviewing skills in honor of Illinois' Workforce Development Week.<br></p><p> Are you interviewing for a job in information technology, healthcare or manufacturing? Take 30 minutes to review these recordings with our industry experts&#58;<br></p><ul><li>
    <strong>Information Technology</strong> guest speaker Bill Markham from Disys gave some great tips on IT positions, including project management. He even included a list of questions for which you should be prepared to answer when you walk into a job interview.</li><li>
    <strong>Manufacturing</strong> guest speaker Jim McGough of Valuable Resources Company provided ideas on how to get the interviewer to stop and pay closer attention to what you said. Jim also offered some tips on how to handle an &quot;Instant Interview&quot;.</li><li>
    <strong>Healthcare </strong> guest speaker Urvita Patel of Presence Health offered her advice on the intangible items that interviewers consider along with how you can control the first impression someone has of you during the interview.</li><li> Discussing the
    <strong>Interactive Interview tool</strong> offered by Illinois workNet was Dee Reinhardt. She showed us how to use the practice sessions in the Illinois workNet Resume Building Tool to help you ace those interviews.</li></ul><p>Each of our speakers shared valuable insight from a recruiter's perspective on how you should approach your interview in the Healthcare, IT and Manufacturing sectors.</p><p> If you don't have 30 minutes, take just 2 minutes to listen to the tips offered by Eric Smith, Director of Human Resources at Hoffer Plastics, Urvita Patel of Presence Health and Bill Markham of Disys. These quick tips are the key points you need to be prepared for your next interview. </p><p> Download the presentations below and watch the
    <a href="http&#58;//youtu.be/JHNGcLgISAo?list=PLlkuU1Id_xm8LCAw4EyDQFOjqQBOCkc-8" target="_blank" title="YouTube">videos</a>!<br></p><ul><li> IT Presentation (<a href="/SYEP2014/Documents/InterviewTips30Min-IT_FINAL.pdf" title="IT Presentation (PDF)" target="_blank">PDF</a>)
    <br></li><li> Manufacturing Presentation (<a href="/SYEP2014/Documents/InterviewTips30Min-Manufacturing_FINAL.pdf" title="Manufacturing Presentation (PDF) " target="_blank">PDF</a>)
    <br></li><li> Healthcare Presentation (<a href="/SYEP2014/Documents/InterviewTips30Min-Healthcare_FINAL.pdf" title="Healthcare Presentation (PDF) " target="_blank">PDF</a>)&#160;</li><li> Interactive Interview Tool and Tips Presentation (<a href="/SYEP2014/Documents/InterviewTips30Min-Interactive_FINAL.pdf" title="Interactive Interview Tool and Tips Presentation (PDF​) " target="_blank">PD​F</a>​)&#160;</li></ul><p>
    <iframe width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/JHNGcLgISAo?list=PLlkuU1Id_xm8LCAw4EyDQFOjqQBOCkc-8"></iframe><br>
    <p></p></div><div class="ExternalClassD7E8391D2B054B3086FE9E5FA91884BA">

  • 2014

    Interview Tips in 30 Minutes

    <div class="ExternalClassB53829EECECB4E2492B9780423C8ED27"><p>
    <span style="line-height&#58;20px;">A</span><span style="line-height&#58;20px;">re you interviewing for a job in information technology or manufacturing? Take 30 minutes to review these recordings with our industry experts&#58;</span></p><div>
    </div><div>Bill Markham from Disys and Jim McGough of Valuable Resources Company.</div><div>
    </div><div>These two men shared valuable insight from a recruiters perspective on how you should approach your interview in the IT and manufacturing sectors.&#160;</div><div>
    </div><div>If you don't have 30 minutes, take just 2 minutes to listen to the tips offered by Eric Smith, Director of Human Resources at Hoffer Plastics and Bill Markham of Disys. These quick tips are the key points you need to be prepared for your next interview.</div><div>
    </div><div>Download the presentations below and watch the videos!</div><div>
    </div><div>IT Interview Tips Presentation (<a href="/SYEP2014/Documents/InterviewTips30Min-IT_FINAL.pdf" title="IT Interview Tips Presentation (PDF)" target="_blank">PDF</a>)</div><div>Manufacturing Interview Tips Presentation (<a href="/SYEP2014/Documents/InterviewTips30Min-Manufacturing_FINAL.pdf" title="Manufacturing Interview Tips Presentation (PDF​) " target="_blank">PDF</a>​)&#160;</div>​
    <iframe width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/JHNGcLgISAo?list=PLlkuU1Id_xm8LCAw4EyDQFOjqQBOCkc-8"></iframe> &#160;</div></div>

  • 2014

    Celebrating Community and Summer Youth Employment Program Success

    ​Summer Youth Employment Programs are wrapping up as the school year is starting.   It is great to hear about the participants’ personal experiences.

    Here are two sample success stories.  If you participated in the program, share your experience today.

    Success Story ImageI was unemployed and struggling when I learned about the SYEP program and applied. This was a great opportunity for me. Many other jobs would not hire me because I did not have work experience, but this program gave me a chance. I was assigned to work for the City of Madison Street Department. During the course of the program I learned many new skills and trades, such as operating different types of tractors and lawn care equipment. I also got to know many local political figures very well and have earned mutual respect and built new friendships with them. The SYEP has drastically impacted my life in a positive way and I sincerely appreciate everyone involved in the program.

    Success Story ImageI am 19 years old and I have a two year old daughter. This program helped me provide for my daughter while learning skills that I will be able to use in future jobs. Along with work skills, I learned how to complete my resume and how to market my skills to employers. The work program this summer gave me more of a sense of what true responsibility is. I really appreciate this experience because it would have been hard to find summer employment without this program and the skills and resume information I learned. Now I am ready to enter the workforce with confidence.

  • 2014

    Welcome to Workforce Development Week!

    ConnectionsAugust 25th-31st is Workforce Development Week in Illinois! Workforce Development Week encourages individuals, businesses, and government organizations to visit and promote workforce programs and services offered through Local Workforce Investment Boards (LWIBs) (source from the Illinois General Assembly). You can participate this week by connecting to your workforce locally with Illinois workNet by participating with events, using our local WIA Services Locator, get involved in local programs like ATIM, and use the Illinois workNet portal!

    Illinois workNet will also be hosting an Interview Tips in 30 Minutes webinar series! Click here to register for one, two, or all of the four sessions!

  • 2014

    ​30 Minutes is all it takes!

    <div class="ExternalClass88822E9FE75641B895DEE8804D4A84B6"><p> Do you have 30 minutes to help make your resume stand out? Watch our Illinois workNet Resume Tips in 30 Minutes from a Manufacturing Human Resources consultant. We asked her questions and talked about manufacturing employer expectations and how to build a resume for a manufacturing position that will make you stand out.</p><p> If you have 30 more minutes to spare, we have an additional webinar recording that covers all of the features in our Illinois workNet Resume Building Tool that are at your disposal when you have an account with Illinois workNet. We cover templates, tools, and actions you can take. We even threw in a couple of extra tools that are useful to help you find the keywords and action verbs you should be including in your resume.</p><p> All of the handouts and recordings are available for you to use and share.&#160; We even post the recordings on our
    <a href="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/user/illinoisworknet">YouTube channel</a>.&#160;</p><p>Download the materials used for the Manufacuturing and Illinois workNet Resume Builder sessions below and
    <a target="_blank" title="YouTube" href="http&#58;//www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlkuU1Id_xm9kh20jgaiG9YLrEw4hs5lf">watch the videos</a>!</p><p> Manufacturing Resume Tips Presentation (<a href="/News/Documents/ResumeTips30Min-Manufacturing_FINAL.pdf" title="Manufacturing Resume Tips Presentation (PDF)" target="_blank">PDF</a>)</p><p> Illinois workNet Resume Builder Tips Presentation (<a href="/News/Documents/ResumeTips30Min-BuilderTool_Final_8.13.14.pdf" title="Illinois workNet Resume Builder Tips Presentation (PDF)" target="_blank">PDF</a>)</p><p>
    <iframe width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLlkuU1Id_xm9kh20jgaiG9YLrEw4hs5lf"></iframe>

  • 2014

    Register for the next webinar series!

    <div class="ExternalClass14EA06033B6C459B9EE2385876202F89"><p>
    ​Do you have 30 Minutes to spare? Get Tips on Interviewing from Illinois workNet!</p><p>In honor of Workforce Development Week in Illinois (the last week of August 2014), Illinois workNet will be holding four webinars, 30 minutes each, providing viewers tips on Interviewing.</p><p>We will have four individual sessions&#58;</p><ul><li>
    August 26 at 12&#58;30 - Information Technology Interview Tips in 30 Minutes<br></li><li>
    <span>August 26 at</span></span></span> 2&#58;30 - Manufacturing<span><span><span> Interview Tips in 30 Minutes</span></span></span></li><li>
    <span>August 27 at</span></span></span> 2&#58;30 - Healthcare and<span><span><span> Interview Tips in 30 Minutes</span></span></span></li><li>
    <span>August 27 at</span></span></span> 12&#58;30 -
    <a target="_blank" title="Illinois workNet Interviewing Tool" href="https&#58;//illinoisworknet.optimalresume.com/login.php">Illinois workNet's Interactive Interviewing tool</a></li></ul><p>
    Recruiters and employers in these career fields will be offering their best advice in 30 minutes to job seekers. Advice will include how to handle &quot;instant interviews&quot;, attitude, how to dress and much more. Because each one is different, you may pick up a tip from one career path that could be transferable to your career path. Find out about the interactive interviewing tool on Illinois workNet and how you can use this with your Illinois workNet account!<br></p><p>
    <a title="Webinar Registration" target="_blank" href="https&#58;//30minuteinterviewtips.eventbrite.com/">
    <strong>Register today for one or all four of these webinars!</strong></a></p></div>

  • 2014

    Employment Opportunity & Resource Fair - Chicago

    U.S. Congress SealU.S. Representative Bobby L. Rush will be hosting an Employment Opportunity and Resource Fair for the residents of Avalon Park, Chatham, and Greater Grand Crossing.

    The Job Readiness Workshops will take place on August 11th (for adults) and August 12th (for youth 16-24). Participants must attend the workshop in order to attend the hiring event.

    Workshops include: I Found It Online!, Re-Build Your Resume to Get the Job, Interview with Confidence, and Tips for Navigating Online Applications.

    The Hiring Event will be on August 15th (for adults) and August 16th (for youth 16-24). Come prepared with resumes and in interview attire, as employers will be conducting on-site interviews.

    Deadline to pre-register is Thursday, August 7, 2014!

    If you have any questions, please call the Office of Congressman Rush at 773-224-6500.

  • 2014

    Do You Want to be an Intern?

    Intern ImageDo you think that all interns are going to be doctors and work ridiculously long hours? That is not true. An internship is any official or formal program to provide practical experience for beginners in an occupation or profession. Internships are temporary and can be significant to your career path. Read our  full article here to learn more on internships!  

  • 2014

    Register for the "Resume Tips in 30 Minutes" Webinars!

    Optimal Resume IconThis live webinar series provides tips from industry experts in Information Technology, Healthcare, and Manufacturing industries. 

    These industry experts will share what they look for from job applicants with minimal, and more extensive, work experience.  We’ll also discuss what you should include on your resume when applying for a job.

    Have you taken a look at our free resume tools available on Illinois workNet?  We’ll help you make the most of the free resume builder and cover how you can use industry templates and adapt them to feature your best skills, education, and experience.

    All this in just 30 minutes!  Our series begins with these industries and the free Illinois workNet Optimal Resume builder:

    • August 6, 2014 1PM - Information Technology - Resume Tips in 30 Minutes
    • August 6, 2014 2:30PM - Healthcare - Resume Tips in 30 Minutes
    • August 13, 2014 1PM - Manufacturing - Resume Tips in 30 Minutes
    • August 13, 2014 2:30 PM - Illinois workNet Optimal Resume Tools - Resume Tips in 30 Minutes

    Get started on your resume before the webinar with Illinois workNet Optimal Resume. This tool is free to all Illinois workNet account holders! You can find out all of the tool options of Optimal Resume.

  • 2014

    Violence Prevention is Attainable

    <div class="ExternalClass3F9DE1EE47AD4B8FB9CA663A27FB8A27"><p>​Violence is an epidemic in our nation. Like many illnesses, it has preventable causes that we must target. As part of our Summer Youth (Community) Employment program for 2014, we developed a series of short recordings about a variety of topics surrounding violence prevention. They include&#58;</p><ul><li>What is violence?</li><li>Gun Violence,</li><li>Intimate Partner Violence</li><li>Suicide Prevention,</li><li>Electronic Aggression, and<br></li><li>How to Prevent Violence.</li></ul><p>Violence impacts every age group and every race. It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor. Children who see violence tend to repeat the pattern as they grow up.</p><p>Our webinar series addresses topics for the youth in our program to understand and recognize what is considered violence that they may have learned to think is normal behavior.</p><p>Watch the recordings that we have posted here or on
    <a target="_blank" title="YouTube Website" href="https&#58;//youtu.be/QJDl9y7T2_c?list=PLlkuU1Id_xm9b9PzRJOFyC_5CjmYgGc2O">YouTube</a>&#58; &#160;</p>
    <iframe width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/QJDl9y7T2_c?list=PLlkuU1Id_xm9b9PzRJOFyC_5CjmYgGc2O"></iframe></div>

  • 2014

    Do You Need a Work Permit?

    <div class="ExternalClass9498462F1BEC4A8CBF0473F33169D6D3"><p>​<img alt="Do you need a work permit Image.png" src="/News/PublishingImages/Do%20you%20need%20a%20work%20permit%20Image.png" style="margin&#58;5px;" /></p><div>Young children around the world work instead of going to school. The image to the right is of boys working in coal mines around 1900. At that time, a child working in a factory might work 12 to 18 hours a day, six days a week, to earn a dollar. In 1938, Congress passed a law called The Fair Labor Standards Act. It fixed minimum ages&#58;&#160;<br></div><div>
    </div><div><ul><li>16 for work during school hours,&#160;<br></li><li>14 to work certain jobs after school, and&#160;<br></li><li>18 for dangerous work. [1]&#160;<br></li></ul></div><div>You need a work permit if you are 14 or 15 and want to work in Illinois. The reason is to protect your safety and make sure you do not neglect your education. The law limits working hours. It prohibits work in hazardous occupations and requires an employment certificate.<br></div><div>​​</div><div>
    <strong>Some jobs are acceptable for young children. These include&#58;&#160;</strong></div><div><ul><li>delivering papers,&#160;<br></li><li>golf caddying,&#160;<br></li><li>doing chores at someone's home,&#160;<br></li><li>babysitting, or&#160;<br></li><li>working at an agricultural task.&#160;<br></li></ul></div><div>
    <strong>Unacceptable hazardous jobs include&#58; [2]</strong></div><div><ul><li>Manufacturing<br></li><li>Mining<br></li><li>Processing<br></li><li>Apparatus maintenance<br></li><li>Machine maintenance<br></li><li>Operation of power-driven machinery<br></li><li>Operating motor vehicles<br></li><li>Jobs that use ladders or scaffolds<br></li><li>Work in freezers or meat coolers<br></li><li>Sales outside of the business location (peddling)<br></li><li>Warehouse<br></li><li>Construction<br></li></ul></div><div>
    <strong>Work rules for 14 &amp; 15-year-olds are&#58;</strong></div><div><ul><li>
    <span style="line-height&#58;1.6;">Cannot work more than six consecutive days in one week.</span><br></li><li>
    <span style="line-height&#58;1.6;">Cannot work more than 48 hours in one week.</span><br></li><li>
    <span style="line-height&#58;1.6;">Cannot work 24 hours in one week when school is in session</span><br></li><li>
    <span style="line-height&#58;1.6;">Cannot work between 7PM and 7AM when school is in session. (9PM to 7AM from June 1 to Labor Day.)</span><br></li><li>
    <span style="line-height&#58;1.6;">Cannot work more than 3 hours a day on school days</span><br></li><li>
    <span style="line-height&#58;1.6;">Must have a 30-minute break if working more than 5 hours.</span><br></li><li>
    <span style="line-height&#58;1.6;">Cannot work&#58;</span><br></li><ul><li>
    <span style="line-height&#58;1.6;">​As a</span><span style="line-height&#58;1.6;"> public messenger, delivery service, bellboy in a hotel or rooming house</span></li><li>
    <span style="line-height&#58;1.6;">​At a bow</span><span style="line-height&#58;1.6;">ling alley, pool room, billiard room, skating rink, exhibition park or place of amusement, garage, filling station, service station</span></li><li>
    <span style="line-height&#58;1.6;">​I</span><span style="line-height&#58;1.6;">n connection with power-driven machinery</span></li><li>
    <span style="line-height&#58;1.6;">​Where intoxicating alcoholic liquors are served or sold for consumption or are manufactured</span></li></ul></ul></div><div>
    <strong>If you want to get a work permit, you will need&#58;</strong></div><div><ol><li>A statement from your new employer describing the job and the exact hours you will be working.<br></li><li>your name and contact information,<br></li><li>social security number,<br></li><li>the last grade attended,<br></li><li>parents names,<br></li><li>evidence of age,<br></li><li>physical fitness statement, and<br></li><li>Verify that the work performed is not a hazardous occupation.<br></li></ol></div><div>
    <strong>To apply&#58;</strong></div><div><ul><li>
    <span style="line-height&#58;1.6;">Visit your school counselor. Ask them for an application.&#160;</span><br></li><li>
    <span style="line-height&#58;1.6;">Access an online application.</span><br></li><li>
    <span style="line-height&#58;1.6;">Visit your regional office of education.​</span><span style="line-height&#58;1.6;">​​ &#160;&#160;​​</span></li></ul><div><div>Image source&#58; Wikimedia Commons<br></div><div>
    </div><div>[1]&#160;<a href="https&#58;//junior.scholastic.com/pages/content-hubs/real-teens-of-history.html" target="_blank">https&#58;//junior.scholastic.com/pages/content-hubs/real-teens-of-history.html</a><br></div><div>[2]
    <a href="https&#58;//www.ecfr.gov/" target="_blank">https&#58;//www.ecfr.gov/</a><br></div>

  • 2014

    Youth Summer and Community Employment Program Applications Now Being Accepted

    SYEP Apply Today Image

    Throughout Illinois, youth ages 16-24 are being offered an opportunity to apply for the Youth Summer and Community Employment Program.  This is a paid work experience program that gives youth a chance to get paid and learn work skills.  Participating youth will earn $9.00 an hour and learn valuable skills while on the job, and by completing work skill activities.  Successful completion will earn participants a certificate of completion they can put on their resume and print to show future potential employers. 

    This program is now accepting applications.  No prior work experience is needed.   Here's what you need to know to apply:

    1. Read the information about qualifying for the program.
    2. Find out if the program locations are near where you live.
    3. Complete the online application.

    Visit our website to learn more and complete the online application available now http://www.illinoisworknet.com/syep2014.

  • 2014

    SYEP Coming Soon!

    announcement image600px.png 

    You may have participated with a recent event where you learned about the upcoming statewide and community Summer Youth Employment Program.  Or you may have found out about this program on Illinois workNet.   

    We have great news!  The program will be launching this month with more locations being added in early July.  SYEP is offering paid work experience to youth who qualify.  This is a chance to get paid while working at a job, learn important skills, and earn a certificate of completion that can be listed on a resume and shown to potential employers.

    Just as soon as the program officially begins, we'll post the announcement on the Illinois workNets' Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) Website.  Be sure to bookmark this site on your computer, smartphone, iPad, or whatever device you use to access the Internet.  Also, watch your email for more information.  We'll be sending an email to announce the program very soon.

    As soon as the program opens, you'll be able to see where the program is offered in communities throughout Illinois and complete the online application for enrollment in the program.  

    Have a great summer!

  • 2014

    Next Steps If You Are Not SYEP Eligible

    ​Not Eligible for the 2014 Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP)? You can still use free tools to help you reach your employment goals.

    Log into your Illinois workNet account to get started today.  Your free tools include:

    • Optimal Resume and Portfolio Builder
    • Career Interest Survey
    • Career, Training, and Job Search Tools

    Stay tuned because more tools are coming soon!  Subscribe to receive news and SYEP updates.

    You will be able to use the SYEP Career Readiness Guide and earn a Certificate of Completion.  This guide includes a career plan, job search plan, and skills to help you succeed.
    As you prepare a career plan, you will:

    • Complete a career interest survey.
    • Explore careers that match your interests.
    • Find training for those careers.
    • Create a plan to reach your career goals.

    As you prepare a job search plan, you will learn how to:

    • Organize your job search.
    • Prepare your resume.
    • Prepare your portfolio.
    • Network with others.
    • Search for job openings.
    • Apply for a job.
    • Prepare for an interview.

    Complete the guide and post-assessment.  

    • When you score 70% or higher on the post-assessment, you will be able to download your certificate of completion.
    • Include your certificate of completion in your portfolio.  Remember, you have access to a free resume and portfolio builder.

    Certificate of Completion

  • 2014

    Look At The Big Picture When Selecting Your Career Path

    ​Making decisions is part of everyday life. Your decisions are influenced by your personal beliefs, skills, interests, friends, family, environment, situations, and more. These influences can have a major impact on your decisions within your job search and/or educational and training goals. Take a holistic approach when selecting your career path. In other words, look at the all of the things that are impacted by your choice. Don’t just look at one part.

    When you were asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” did you put much thought into what you truly wanted? Maybe, but did you know what to consider when making that decision?  

    The following are things to consider and possible responses. This example shows the possible responses for a person who is considering a Computer Numerical Control job in the manufacturing industry.

    ​Things to Consider:​Possible Responses
    ​1.    Is this job a good match for your personal interests?    CNC would be great since I like to work with my hands and make things.
    ​2.    What is the occupational information?  Are there jobs like that around?    There is a high demand for CNC operators and they make good money too.
    ​3.    What type of training do you need to get the job you want?    There is a training program nearby and it only takes 6 months - 1 year to complete the program.
    ​4.    Does the job/company align with your personal beliefs?  What is your passion?    Keeping manufacturing jobs in America is important to me. I prefer to buy local products to keep my community strong.

    Short term sacrifices are something to consider when making a career path decision. You may be able to deal with these situations by changing the way you think. This new approach may open the door for new and exciting experiences.

    Marianna Williamson once wrote:
        “You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be.”

    ​Old Way To Think​New Way To Think
    ​If I take that part-time job I won’t get to spend as much time with my friends or looking for work full-time.    Taking that part-time time job while looking for a full-time job could lead to a full-time job.
    ​Taking that entry-level job is not going to pay much and will put my social life in jeopardy.    Accepting an entry-level job could help get my foot in the door in a company or industry.
    ​Volunteering is a waste of time. Why would I want to spend my time working for free?    Volunteering provides a chance to meet others in the industry and learn more about the industry.

    By thinking “outside” the box, or getting out of your comfort zone is not always a bad thing; it can lead you down a new path to career success.

    When making a decision in your career:

    Look at the big picture not just one small piece 

    Make your decisions based on:

    • the facts,
    • the passion that drives you, and
    • your willingness to make short term sacrifices.

    It’s your choice.

  • 2014

    Attention: Soft Skills Required

    <div class="ExternalClassA43084E22BFA4C7994E49843A925E890"><p>Did anyone ever ask you what you wanted to be when you grew up? What were your first thoughts?&#160; Did you think about the skills you would need or about some of the &quot;cool&quot; jobs?</p><p>Whether you are starting your first job or starting your dream job, there are some skills that are required regardless of your title. These types of skills are called soft skills or workplace skills.&#160; </p><p>You may have heard the saying &quot;you can have all of the book smarts in the world, but if you don't have common sense you can be dumber than a box of rocks&quot;. &#160;It takes a lot more than just &quot;book smarts&quot; or academic and technical skills.&#160; It takes everyday skills that you may have learned from your parents, teachers, family members, friends, or past coworkers. Such soft/workplace skills include&#58;</p><ul><li>Starting work on time (attendance),</li><li>Dressing properly for work (self-presentation),</li><li>Knowing how to use equipment at work (technical skills),</li><li>Treating others with respect or treating them how you want to be treated (teamwork),</li><li>Having a positive can-do attitude (showing initiative),</li><li>Using social media (computer skills),</li><li>Writing a journal (communication), and/or</li><li>Working on or repairing stuff (problem solving skills).</li></ul><p>
    </p><p>You have these skills to some degree. Take a look at sample soft skills and see how they relate to your past experiences.&#160; Look at the definitions for these skills and ask yourself, </p><ul><li>What examples in my life can I use to show that I have that skill?</li><li>Did I use that skill while working on a school project? Volunteering? Past job? Hobbies?</li><li>What are my interests? What skills do I like? What skills do I struggle with?</li><li>What are my top 3 strongest soft skills?</li><li>What are my 3 weakest soft skills? How are you going to enhance those skills?</li></ul><p>
    </p><p>You can &quot;sell&quot; your skills to a potential employer by including them in your resume and interviews.&#160; </p><ul><li>Know yourself and what you have to offer.&#160; </li><li>Tell employers about the skill that you have that relates to the job for which you are applying.&#160; </li></ul><p>
    </p><p>These skills play a vital role when applying for a job and maintaining that job once you are hired. These are the skills employers look for and require.</p><p>
    <iframe width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PL7A08BD0A4326B9EC"></iframe>