• 2015

    Upcoming IWTS Training Webinars

    <div class="ExternalClass18951D9E79704390AEDD1C37AABCFE72"><p>​Illinois workNet has moved the Incumbent Worker Tracking System (IWTS) to the new Beta Illinois workNet website. We are hosing multiple training sessions next week to cover how to access in Beta Illinois workNet and to provide a refresher on using the system.</p><p>
    <strong>Who should participate&#58; </strong>This webinar is for all DCEO Office of Employment and Training (OET) grant recipients who have received Incumbent Worker Training grants.&#160; All grant recipient staff completing the Incumbent Worker Tracking System project plan and carrying out other requirements should participate.&#160; We will archive the webinar but recommend participating with live webinars.&#160; DCEO staff will be on the webinar to answer questions.
    <strong>Agenda&#58;</strong><br></p><ul><li>Requirements for using Incumbent Worker Tracking System (IWTS)</li><li>Using the Online IWTS Guide and Resources</li><li>Completing and Submitting Your Incumbent Worker Training Plan</li><li>Identifying the DCEO Contact for Your Plan to Ask Questions and Seek Assistance</li><li>Adding and Updating Employee and Course Information</li><li>Reporting Enrollment in Training and Outcomes with Quarterly Reports</li><li>Q&amp;A</li></ul><p>If you use the IWTS, register here&#58;
    <a target="_blank" title="Eventbrite" href="https&#58;//iwts-training.eventbrite.com/">https&#58;//iwts-training.eventbrite.com</a></p><p><a target="_blank" href="http&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/completing-incumbent-worker-training-grant-requirements-new-iwts-guide-and-instructions-tickets-15709537650?ref=ebtnebregn"><img alt="Eventbrite - Completing Incumbent Worker Training Grant Requirements – New IWTS Guide and Instructions" src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=15709537650" /></a>