• 2015

    Tuesday Tip: Customer's Skills Bank

    <div class="ExternalClass33354799ACC744EC841C24E9E6A79BFD"><p>
    <em>​See academic, technical, and workplace skills in one location!&#160; </em></strong></p><ul><li><div class="ExternalClass6632A24C4DEE47A0B91388FF98884360">Have your customers inventory their skills in the
    <strong>Resume Builder Skills Assessment </strong>tool.</div></li><li><div class="ExternalClass6632A24C4DEE47A0B91388FF98884360">
    <strong><em>Need to test it before you use it with customers?&#160;</em></strong> Not a problem!&#160;&#160;It is in the Resume Builder on your Illinois workNet My Dashboard.</div></li></ul><h2>Scenario/Sneak Peak Slides&#58;</h2><p>
    <a target="_blank" href="http&#58;//www.slideshare.net/ILworkNet/skill-bank-tools" title="View these slides to learn more about viewing your customers' skill banks.">
    <img src="/partners/PublishingImages/View%20Customer%20Skill%20Bank.png" alt="" style="margin&#58;5px;" /></a>&#160;</p><p>
    <a target="_blank" href="http&#58;//www.slideshare.net/ILworkNet/skill-bank-tools" title="View these slides to learn more about viewing your customers' skill banks.">View these slides to learn more.</a></p><h2>Chat Time&#58;</h2><ul><li>What you think of this tool?</li><li>How you see it fitting into your customer workflow? </li><li>What do you see as the &quot;best practice&quot; for integrating this tool?&#160; Workshops?&#160; Job Club? Other?</li></ul><p>
    <br>Chat with us in the news item comments.</p></div>