• 2015

    More Upcoming Webinars with the U.S. Department of Labor

    <div class="ExternalClass7BBF9E2C43B24F94849955802D90D355"><p>​Illinois workNet has teamed up with the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Employee Benefits Security Administration (ESBA) to provide you with more webinars! We have one upcoming webinar for employers and two for employees/job seekers. We will provide two session of each webinar, but these are repeating sessions (with the same information) so you only need to register for one session of each webinar topic. See the schedule below!<br></p><p>
    <strong>Wellness Programs and HIPAA Nondiscrimination Webinar</strong><br>March 19th at 10&#58;30 AM and 1&#58;30 PM</p><p>Under HIPAA’s nondiscrimination provisions, an individual cannot be denied eligibility for benefits or charged more for coverage because of any health factor.&#160; Join us for a presentation that will highlight how employers can reduce their healthcare costs through use of a Wellness Program, and learn about the rules for incentivizing healthy behavior in employees without discriminating.</p><p>
    <a target="_blank" title="Register today!" href="http&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/wellness-programs-and-hipaa-nondiscrimination-webinar-tickets-16121657311?ref=ebtn">Register today!</a></p><p>
    <a title="Registration" href="http&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/wellness-programs-and-hipaa-nondiscrimination-webinar-tickets-16121657311?ref=ebtn" target="_blank">
    <img src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=16121657311" alt="Eventbrite - Wellness Programs and HIPAA Nondiscrimination Webinar" /></a><br> </p><p>
    <strong>Health Insurance Marketplace 101 Webinar</strong></p><p>March 26th at 10&#58;30 AM and 1&#58;30 PM
    <br></p><p>The Health Insurance Marketplace 101 provides a high-level overview of the Affordable Care Act, and the new Health Insurance Marketplace.</p><p>The presentation will include detailed information on&#58;&#160;
    <br></p><ul><li>Health Insurance Marketplace,
    <br></li><li>Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP),</li><li>Premium tax credit options,</li><li>State Medicaid eligibility, and<br></li><li>Resources to help apply, enroll, and get covered.</li></ul><p>
    <a href="http&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/health-insurance-marketplace-101-webinar-tickets-16090763908?ref=ebtn" title="Register today!" target="_blank">Register today!</a></p><p>
    <a target="_blank" href="http&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/health-insurance-marketplace-101-webinar-tickets-16090763908?ref=ebtn" title="Registration"><img alt="Eventbrite - Health Insurance Marketplace 101 Webinar" src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=16090763908" /></a>
    <br> </p>
    <strong>Taking the Mystery out of Retirement Savings Webinar</strong></p>
    <p>April&#160;2nd at 10&#58;30 AM and 1&#58;30 PM</p>
    <p>Taking the Mystery Out of Retirement Planning will help you prepare for a secure retirement.&#160; It is designed for those people who are about 5-10 years away from their retirement date.&#160;&#160; The presentation and the online tool can help you get an idea of how well you are prepared financially for retirement and what additional steps you may need to take to reach your goals.&#160;</p>
    <a href="http&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/taking-the-mystery-out-of-retirement-savings-webinar-tickets-16121948181?ref=ebtn" title="Register today!" target="_blank">Register today!</a></p>
    <a target="_blank" href="http&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/taking-the-mystery-out-of-retirement-savings-webinar-tickets-16121948181?ref=ebtn" title="Registration"><img alt="Eventbrite - Taking the Mystery out of Retirement Savings Webinar" src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=16121948181" /></a><br> </p></span></span></div>