• 2015

    Special Enrollment Period for Individuals Who Don't Have Health Coverage for 2015

    A special enrollment period for individuals who do not have health coverage for 2015 begins March 15, 2015  and ends on April 30, 2015.   If you work with customers who do not have health care coverage and have had life events that may qualify them for a Special Enrollment Period please ensure they are aware of this information.  Examples of life events include: getting married, having a baby, adopting a child or placing a child for adoption or foster care, losing other health coverage, permanently moving outside their plan’s coverage area, gaining citizenship or lawful presence in the U.S., gaining or continuing status as a member of an Indian tribe or an Alaska Native shareholder, leaving incarceration or having a change in income/household status that affects eligibility for premium tax credits/cost-sharing reductions.  More information about special life events that may qualify an individual for Special Enrollment is available at https://www.healthcare.gov/coverage-outside-open-enrollment/special-enrollment-period/

    Important: The fee for people who don’t have coverage increases in 2015. If you don’t have health coverage for 2015, the fee is $325 per person or 2% of your household income – whichever is higher.  Please note that the Health Insurance Marketplace is providing individuals and families who owe the fee when they file their 2014 taxes with an additional opportunity to get covered for 2015.   Please share this information with your respective workforce development system and networks as appropriate.