• 2015

    Tuesday Tip: Jump Start For Cover Letters

    Get a jump start!  Use the resume builder to create letters for job application, thank you, follow-up, job acceptance, and more.

    • Have your customers "build" their letters in the Illinois workNet Resume Builder tool. They will have access to samples, tips, and resources. Then they can share it with you to get your feedback.
    • Need to test it before you use it with customers? Not a problem! It is in the Resume Builder on your Illinois workNet My Dashboard.

    Scenario/Sneak Peak Slides:

    Tools to help your customers write letters.
    View these slides to learn more.

    Chat Time:

    • What you think of this tool?
    • How you see it fitting into your customer workflow?
    • What do you see as the "best practice" for integrating this tool? Workshops? Job Club? Other?

    Chat with us in the news item comments.