• 2015

    Tuesday Tip: Incorporate user guides into career advisor activities.

    <div class="ExternalClass24EE323DB73E48AB9513863B5FA00686"><h3>​User guides are now available in Illinois workNet.&#160; </h3>
    A series of guides are available that provide steps and Illinois workNet resources for the basic components necessary for achieving training and employment goals.&#160; Incorporate these into your&#58;<p></p><ul><li>
    Classes, </li><li>
    Job Clubs, </li><li>
    Workshops, and </li><li>
    Other career advisor activities.
    </li></ul><h3>Quick Look</h3><p><a target="_blank" href="http&#58;//www.slideshare.net/ILworkNet/user-guides-in-illinois-work-net" title="User Guide Overview Slides"><img src="/News/PublishingImages/user%20guide.png" alt="User Guide Overview" class="ms-rteImage-1" style="margin&#58;5px;" /></a>&#160;</p><p><a target="_blank" href="http&#58;//www.slideshare.net/ILworkNet/user-guides-in-illinois-work-net" title="User Guide Overview Slides">Overview Slides</a></p><h3>Chat Time&#58;</h3><ul><li>What you think of this tool?</li><li>How do you see it fitting into your customer workflow? </li><li>Do you have suggestions for steps/tips to further customize the guides for specific audiences (i.e., work experience, minimal work experience, re-entry,&#160;youth, laid off workers, etc.)?</li></ul>
    <p>Chat with us in the news item comments.</p></div>