• 2015

    Tools to Market Your Organization and Local Companies

    <div class="ExternalClass91F56A51DE1245B8852B817CC6F68084"><p>As an Illinois workNet Workforce &amp; Education Partner you have tools available to help you market your Organization or Center, as well as companies in your area. Attend our next webinar, on April 30th, to learn about specific tools you should be using regularly&#58; ​</p><ul><li>Adding a Partner/Referral Location</li><li>Adding Events</li><li>Adding the Event Calendar to Your Website</li><li>Adding Featured Employers</li><li>Adding Success Stories</li></ul><p>Attend this webinar for simple how-to instructions for using each tool, as well as download hand-outs for future use. This webinar will be geared to anyone with an Illinois workNet account but feel that all our Partners would greatly benefit from attending.</p><p><a target="_blank" title="Eventbrite Registration" href="https&#58;//market-local-resources.eventbrite.com/"><strong>Register today</strong></a><strong>!</strong><br></p><p><a title="Eventbrite Registration" href="http&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/market-your-local-resources-webinar-tickets-16698477596?ref=ebtn" target="_blank"><img src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=16698477596" alt="Eventbrite Registration" /></a>