• 2015

    Learn more about setting up your own Business!

    <div class="ExternalClassB11022C527AB46879A1C2400FCAD11C7"><p>​Do you know what you need to set up your business? In the first webinar of our Starting a Business series our guest speaker, Laura Wilcox of Corporate Minutes, Inc., will discuss the steps you need to take to ensure your business is properly set-up in the state of Illinois and local area where you will be doing business.</p><p>
    <a target="_blank" title=" Licensing and Registering your New Business Webinar" href="https&#58;//licensing-registering-your-business.eventbrite.com/">Register today for the Licensing and Registering your New Business Webinar on May 6th!​</a></p><p> ​
    <a title=" Licensing and Registering your New Business Webinar" target="_blank" href="https&#58;//licensing-registering-your-business.eventbrite.com/">
    <img alt="Eventbrite - Licensing and Registering your New Business Webinar" src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=16757434939" /></a>&#160;</p><p>After registering, check out
    <a title="Illinois workNet Start a Business" target="_blank" href="/Jobs/Pages/StartingaBusinessGuide.aspx">Illinois workNet's Start a Business area</a>.</p><p>
    <span style="line-height&#58;25.6px;">W</span><span style="line-height&#58;25.6px;">atch for the upcoming webinars posted for this series covering financing, marketing, procurement, small business resources and key performance indicators.</span>​</p></div>