• 2015

    Are you ready to market your organization or company with Illinois workNet?

    <div class="ExternalClass642F7BB1DFDB4374A827ADE93334D31E"><p>​The newest webinar by Illinois workNet covered how you can use the tools on our website to market your company or organization. Doing this is easy and convenient, and you’ll gain a whole new audience base. <a title="YouTube" target="_blank" href="https&#58;//youtu.be/uwxGvJ_xqJE">Watch our archived webinar</a> to learn what each tool does and get simple how-to instructions on how to use them&#58;</p><ul><li>Adding a Partner/Referral Location</li><li>Adding Events</li><li>Adding the Event Calendar to Your Website</li><li>Adding Featured Employers</li><li>Adding Success Stories</li></ul><p>Download the following hand-outs for future reference any time you want to use these tools&#58;</p><ul><li>Submit Your Location to Be an Illinois workNet Partner (<a target="_blank" title="Submit Your Location to Be an Illinois workNet Partner (PDF)" href="/DownloadPrint/Become%20a%20Partner.pdf">PDF</a>)<br></li><li>Updating Your Locations Information as an Existing workNet Partner (<a target="_blank" title="Updating Your Locations Information as an Existing workNet Partner (PDF)" href="/DownloadPrint/Updating%20Site%20Information%20Directions_FINAL.pdf">PDF</a>)<br></li><li>Calendar Instructions (<a target="_blank" title="Calendar Instructions (PDF)" href="/DownloadPrint/CalendarInstructions_Final.pdf">PDF</a>)<br></li><li>Featured Employers Guide<br></li><li>Guide for Writing Success Stories<br></li></ul><p><br></p><p></p><iframe width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/uwxGvJ_xqJE"></iframe>