• 2015

    Illinois workNet Partners with Local Libraries

    <div class="ExternalClassD40769F3A4B24B95B857C02B3DA419D9"><p><img alt="Staff Assisting Patron" class="ms-rtePosition-2" src="/News/PublishingImages/orientation%20200px.jpg" style="margin&#58;5px;" /> Illinois workNet partners with many different types of organizations throughout the state. ​One key organization in most local areas is the library. Libraries provide tools, resources, and assistance to any that walk through their doors. Illinois workNet provides <span><span><span>resources and training materials for all partners, as well as </span></span></span> User Guides to help library staff work with patrons to quickly identify their situation and see what steps they should take.</p><p><span><span><span>Illinois
    workNet is excited to currently be working with staff and volunteers at Chicago Public
    Library locations to provide training on how they can use Illinois
    workNet daily with their patrons. </span></span></span>Spread the word to your local libraries and recommend a partnership with Illinois workNet. It's easy for staff and volunteers to sign up and start using the site. In addition, Illinois workNet provides ways to promote your events and workshops to your entire community.</p><p><span><span><span>Visit the Helping Individuals Guide to download materials and learn more.</span></span></span> You can also download the Illinois workNet Overview PowerPoint, Librarians Guide, and Activity for Staff with the links below&#58;</p><ul><li><span><span><span>Overview of Illinois workNet for Librarian's PowerPoint (<a href="/DownloadPrint/CPLworkNetUserGuidesMay2015_FINAL.pdf" title="Overview of Illinois workNet for Librarian's PowerPoint (PDF)" target="_blank">PDF</a>)</span></span></span></li><li>Librarian's Guide to Using Illinois workNet to Help Patrons (<a href="/DownloadPrint/Librarian%27s%20Guide%20to%20Using%20Illinois%20workNet%20to%20Help%20Patrons_FInal.pdf" title="Librarian's Guide to Using Illinois workNet to Help Patrons (PDF)" target="_blank">PDF</a>)</li><li>Activity for Staff - How to Use Illinois workNet to Help Patrons and Customers Reach Career, Training, and Employment Goals (<a href="/DownloadPrint/CPL_UserGuideActivity_FINAL.docx" title="Activity for Staff - How to Use Illinois workNet to Help Patrons and Customers Reach Career, Training, and Employment Goals (MS " target="_blank">MS Word</a>)<br></li></ul></div>