• 2015

    Tuesday Tip: Become Familiar with Widgets

    <div class="ExternalClassA327F8F7C7D94BA88773DB2889D4C1A6"><h3><img class="ms-rtePosition-2 ms-rteImage-4" alt="Add Illinois workNet Widgets to Your Site" src="/partners/PublishingImages/Embed%20calendar.png" style="margin&#58;5px;" />It is easy.</h3><p>Add customized, interactive tools that are maintained through Illinois workNet to you site.&#160;&#160; </p><ol><li><a title="Widget List" href="/widgets">Select from a list of widgets</a>.</li>
    <ul><li>Article Viewer</li><li>Event Calendar (Career Cluster)</li><li>Event Calendar (LWIA)</li><li>Illinois Pathways Career Explorer</li><li>Related Resources</li><li>Service Finder</li><br>
    </ul><li>Fill out a form to generate code.&#160; </li>
    <li>Copy and paste the code on your website. This is a lot like embedding a YouTube video on your website.